Oxyplatin and Xeloda

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    Great news Jeff.
    And never assume that I am successful at practicing what I preach……..
    : )


    Got a call from hospital this morning and my stress test was negative (normal). Films were read and there is no blockage anywhere and no evidence of any other problem. Anxiety is most likely the culprit. So back to the chemo dept I go. Glad I didn’t have to wait until next Wednesday. I guess I need to learn to control my anxiety a little better. Peter, I think I’ll take your advice and shut this brain down for a while and let it cool off. Ha!


    Mary: The Oxyplatin would be injected in to the blood stream I believe he said every three weeks and Xeloda pill form twice daily for so many days with a break for a few days and back on again. Stress test completed this morning. Only 2 minutes on the treadmill and the monitor showed bee bop aluha. Now have to wait for cardiologist to study pictures and decide if or what treatment is needed. I have to call them in 5 days to get report results and instructions. I suppose if it was to awfully bad they would call me. So I am on hold for chemo until cardiologist gives the okay.
    Jeff G>


    Jeff, Best wishes with resolving the heart issues. I don’t know anything about this and can’t comment. I can however comment on allowing our minds to go on overload.
    I have spent the last 6 months researching and learning all I could about CC and the treatments that are being tried world wide. Just before the holidays I burned out emotionally and realized I just had to stop with so much thinking. It was seriously effecting the quality of my life at a time in life with I want to to be appreciating each minute as I am best able. For me this has been a positive change. I must add that I’m fortunate that I had arrived at a place where I have a plan for what I will try in the next 6 months. Things change, I’ll continue to keep an eye on what’s available, and of course my condition will likely change but for now I’m reveling in more time ‘just being’.
    I do still get the occassional 3AM mornings where my head just won’t stop. I suspect we’re all familiar with this. It’s always easier to remain positive when things are going well and all of us on this board face a daunting disease and difficult decisions.

    I’ll be visiting my daughter for a week the end of this month and when I return I will start on chemo with a cocktail of Oxilaplatin, Xeloda and Avastin.

    In each 3 week cycle I will have an infusion the first day of Oxaliplatin and avastin. I’ll then take Xeloda orally for the next 2 weeks.

    This cocktail has shown some success with stomach cancers and the main matastasis of my CC appears to be something like a moss that lines my abdomen. I’m hopefull it will have some success for me. I’ll post both results and side effects (all 3 may contribute to that part……..) once we have some experience.

    Best wishes getting beyond your current bump in the road.




    When you say oxyplatin injections do you mean directly into the tumor or bloodstream. Sorry if this is a dumb question but we have not had much experience with chemo yet. I’m glad things are going well so far- I hope your tests come back alright. We are to the point of getting some second opinions. My husband has had a lot of radiation and a little chemo-Xeloda, now they don’t really seem to know what to do next. The tumor is still visible on MRI, it has shrunk but it seems like they are having a very hard time knowing what the next step is. He doesn’t want to try surgery again, is actually talking about transplant at the Univ. of Neb. We’re going to go to the Univ. of Pittsburgh ASAP and see what they say.They actually do laparoscopic liver resection and I’m hoping they could go in and visualize the tumor before opening him up and putting him through that ordeal again if the resection is not possible. This is almost harder than when he was first diagnosed. Your input and the input of others really helps. We can compare what our docs advise with what others around the world are having done. Thank-you and good luck!


    Had visit with Oncologist yesterday to review Ct results and Blood work. All nodules remained stable since scan 3 months ago, with the exception of 2 nodules in the lungs increased by 2 mm each. Going to try Oxyplatin injections with Xeloda pills next go around. However have to wait for cardiologist to review stress test of the heart; that I’ll be doing tomorrow morning. When checking in and having my vitals taken at my oncologist, they could only get 36 heart beats a minute and sent me to ER. They hooked me up to the multi wired machine and it verified premature ventricular or something aorta abnormalities. I was wondering if it is possible that my port a cath may be blocking up beings it hasn’t been used for almost 3 months. I guess I’ll find out tomorrow. The thing is I don’t feel bad or different. And now it has got my brain working over time. Has previous treatments damaged some blood vessels and also with blood flow cut in half, did that contribute to very little progression. I’m glad I not a scientist as i’d burn my brain out. Ha! Ha! It is just really weird that I didn’t have any symtoms. I guess I have blocked out so many side effects and ignored little flutters a pains and just figured it was the chemo. Oh well ! Anyhow please note above treatment ; as oncologist states he has been having very encouraging results with reducing the tumors of CC. Jeff

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