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    Mary, My husband is 40 and diagnosed in 9/2011with stage 3 CC. He is inoperable and has tried several chemos. The tumors keep growing. He has also been in alot of pain. the oxycontin and oxycodone for breakthrough pain worked for awhile, but then we had to keep increasing and it seemed to lose its effectiveness. His Onc. sent us to pain management and they switched him to methadone which seems to help better for now. The doctor recommended a nerve block of the celiac ganglia which we are considering. He said that if it works, it could take away all/most of the pain, and possibly if he can get off the pain meds he could drive again. Something to check on.My husband didn’t like the morphine either when he had it in the hospital. There are many other things out there. The pain dr. also suggested a pain pump that they put in the body to help with pain.


    Hi Mary, please, share all you want! Feel free to e mail me as well. You need to know you are not alone in this!



    Thank you
    It is so hard dealing with this. I want to make sure that we are doing everything possible to make dad as comfortable as can be. It is so very helpful to have someone like you to be able to share these very difficult moments with.



    Hi Pepe. Yes Teddy, towards the end, was on mega Morphine but we could still converse. Of course being that far along he did sleep a lot. The only side effects he got from the Morphine was constipation which they gave him Meds for and he did start getting hallucinations at night which they also gave him Haldol (sp) for. Again he was pretty far along. The ONC had called Hospice for Home Hospice in August and Teddy passed in December. They took care of his every need for those 4 months. What ever he needed he got with in 24 hours of the request. gain, I would talk to your Dad’s ONC and see if he feels Hospice is needed yet. If so, the ONC sets it all up and they come within days to set Dad all up. Keep us posted.



    He is not in hospice as of right now. I will bring that up with his Onc. When you say you had Teddy’s pain under control was he still able to talk to you and be himself? My dad say’s he feels the morphine makes him feel very weird.


    Speak with doctors and bring with you the number of break through meds taken in the previous 24 hours- the regular medication should be adjusted to reflect this- and should be up-ed for the next day so he does not have break through pain as often.

    Hope this makes sense- speak to pharmacist or medic. There should be no reason for excessive pain in this day with the excellent pain relief medication on the market. the key is to get on top of the pain almost before you need it- once it “breaks through” it is harder to get it under control.


    Hi Mary. When Teddy’s pain got bad he was on a long lasting Morphine 2 X a day with hourly breakthrough. I did have his pain under control. Have you talked to the ONC about not being able to control the pain? For some the Fentanyl patch worked better but for Teddy the Morph. was best. Is Dad real anxious? For that T was given Ativan. Is Dad under Hospice care? If not you might want to ask the ONC if Dad should be signed up. They will come out up to a year before it’s time. Hospice does not mean the end but will keep Dad comfortable. It could be the Meds or not, you need to speak with the ONC. Best wishes coming your way.


    I need help in understanding the pain with this terrible disease.

    My dad was diagnosed last May… His pain has become untolerable.
    He has tried so many diffrent types of pain meds. He is currently on morphine
    2x a day and every 2 hours for breakthrough pain and even with that he still feels pain. The oncologist said it’s due to the tumors in the liver, they are growing very fast. I hate to think that this may be the beginning to the end.

    I begin to see him more tired, he is losing alot of weight, sleeping alot. I wonder if this is all from the pain meds.

    I want to know if any one else suffers from this same pain and what has worked for you..

    My thoughts and prayers are always with you CC family…..

    Hopefull Daughter- Mary

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