Pain & sickness?

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    Emma….I agree with Gavin. You need to speak with a physician. Disease progression, especially hilar (Klatskin) can include blockages in where food cannot be digested or can only be digested slowly. This is not bound to reverse itself.


    My experience is that tumors in the liver may give you some discomfort at the bottom of the rib cage on the right side.

    Could it be heart burn from eating? Or, maybe try lighter foods, like some soups. Or smaller meals more often, stopping before she gets the feeling of being full.

    In any case, Gavin has the right idea, get to her GP to check things out.



    Did you get my email I sent you a few days ago Emma? If these anti nausea meds are not working for your mum by now I would get her back to the gp as soon as you can to see if they can be changed for other ones. There are quite a variety of meds that can help here with this and your mum may need to try other ones.

    My best to you and your mum,



    Hi my mum has developed quite a lot of sickness four two six hours after eating anything and she gets terrible pain near the chest, has anyone else had this? We don’t no what it is either the tumer maybe pressing against something as we thought it was the stent blocking but the doc said it can’t be because if it was she would have jaundice and dark urine she has been given sickness tabs which she has to take three times aday but they don’t seem to be working that well

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