pale stools again and pain

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    Chelle, I believe that we don’t always know the reasons why things happen, right away. Sometimes it takes some time. I do believe now that Teddy’s bad experience in the Hospice Facility in December happened so that my daughter and I can try and stop it from happening to anyone else. Sometimes I think these things happen to make us stronger for what ever comes our way. And, perhaps sometimes…..we are just not supposed to question it. You are a wonderful daughter and that is what matters most to your Mum.


    Dear Chelle,

    It is great to hear from you again, but I am sorry to hear that your mum is not doing so well and is going through a tough time right now. I agree with Lainy about the pain meds for your mum, but my mum is also stubborn so I know what you are going through with regards to your mum not wanting help with that. Is your mum not on any pain meds at all? Also, you say that your mums stent is working fine, was that the doctors that told your mum that?

    You say that your mum doesn’t want to do the inpatient intensive chemo that her doctors offered, but have you spoken with your mum about what she does want to do? If her doctors right now are not offering anything apart from this intensive chemo then maybe another opinion could be looked at? Did your mums doctors not talk at all about trying another type of chemo?

    You are not being morbid at all in coming here and asking these questions, so please keep asking and we will help if we can. But some questions can’t be answered because we don’t know. I remember with my dad, he had a bout when he wasn’t doing so good and his jaundice came back. Then all of a sudden a few weeks later, the jaundiced was gone. He went to see an emergency gp when the jaundice re-appeared and was close to being readmitted to hospital but wasn’t. Then a few weeks later he had a meeting with his GI specialist after a CT scan and he confirmed that there was no jaundice. Why this happened we don’t know, but my dad bounced back and I am hoping that your mum will also. Please keep us updated on how your mum does.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    i couldnt agree more. There certainly is an inner strength that only shows itself when truly needed. I am amazed at how strong 1 person can be.

    I am truly grateful to be my mothers daughter. I am so proud of her in every way. I am 1 who thinks everything happens for a reason. I only wish i knew the reason for this. Not an answer to be found.




    Yes, this sure is a monster, I just hope she doesn’t let the pain get out of hand.
    It is good she can still work as it keeps her mind busy. There are just no easy answers but I really believe that CC people are the absolute strongest people in the world!


    Thanks Lainy.

    I will have alook at the site you mentioned.

    The docs had offered intense chemo, (4 days as inpatient) for i think, 3 weeks etc. My mum doesn’t wish to go through this as they have said it is incurable, and inoperable. As pain meds go, mum is being so stubborn saying she will tolerate the pain until she needs them. We have all tried speaking to her regarding this, as we know there is meds that wont affect driving etc. (Mum still working etc.)

    I am hoping that this is just a minor glitch but i know how scared my poor mum is. She is only 58, its so sad how this horrible disease takes hold of people with so much left to live. Its so cruel.

    She is awaiting a phone call from her consultant to revise her treatment. She is nowhere near needing hospice (i hope), but we all just want her out of pain.

    Thanks again Lainy




    Dear Chelle, not sure. If you go into Hospice on Line they may have the same brochure they hand out which tells what to expect in brief understandable terms. I thought the light stools meant a higher billierubin which could mean an infection or blockage in the stents. Guess I don’t understand why doctors are giving up, did they say? Can you get another opinion? If the doctor feels she is near the end did he suggest calling in help for her at home? Why is she refusing meds? That is not good as she needs her strength to fight the CC not to use it up on pain. Perhaps a talk with the doctor will help clarify things for you and your mom.


    Hi all.

    I have not posted in a while, but just wondering if anyone can advise me on a few issues my mum is having.

    Quick update: Mum diagnosed late nov with pancreatic cancer (involving bile ducts, and liver/gallbladder) At that time mum was very jaundice, and all bloods were through the roof. A stent was fitted, and she made a great recovery (Docs didnt expect mum to survive a month at that stage).
    Mum was put on a 7 course of chemo (Gem) but this has failed. there is nothing more the doce are wanting to do, instead they want to let mum have quality!!

    My question today is,
    Over the last few days i have seen that she is in alot more pain (refusing med) and her stools have now gone back to pale, although stent is fine. Can anyone tell me whether this is the end nearing, when all the original symptoms start coming back. I dont want to sound morbid, but i would rather have your thoughts and experiences rather than the textbook jargon that dosnt seem to tell us much.

    Thanks for the support of everyone here, i hope you are all doing well.

    Chelle xxxx

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