Palliative Care in Cancer/NCI

Discussion Board Forums Supportive, Palliative & Hospice Care Palliative Care in Cancer/NCI

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  • #36978

    Hi Julia,

    As Marion says, this is life. And this part of our life and what we do now does not come with a user manual. We do what we do, we do what we can and we do our best for those that we love. You are doing everything possible for your sister and are fighting there for by her side throuoghout all of this.

    My best wishes to you both,



    Julia….I have come to understand that although, I may have wished for this or that to have been handled differently; I did everything possible to make the best out of an extremely difficult situation. This is life…and as you say….there is no user manual to fall back on. (I love these great quotes.) Life teaches us as we go. You are a shining example for this.



    Thank you, that means a lot to me – particularly as I’m constantly trying to assess “will this help or will it make things worse?” & am never sure if the path I choose is the right one.

    But I suppose the reality is that none of us knows – not only is there no expiration date stamped on the soles of our feet, but we don’t get handed a user manual with this diagnosis either …


    Julia….I agree with you. Palliative Care encompasses many things. You are a fantastic advocate for you sister. I congratulate you on your fighting spirit.
    As always, best wishes coming your way,


    Thank you, Marion. My local authority copied my sister in on a letter recently, where palliative care was referred to as “end of life” care.

    I went MAD at that definition & splurged my fury out in a very terse letter to them …

    (… end result, they sent a doctor round to see her & apologise to her personally – YAY!!!)

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