Panic attack

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    Jose….Please, help me understand: have you spoken with her treating physician? Has he/she treated patients with liver disease? Has the ascities been addressed? Diuretics, has it been mentioned? Draining of abdominal fluids (Paracentesis) has it been discussed?
    I would not worry too much about taking drugs and the possible side effects. It is of most importance that your sister is made comfortable.
    Jose, if her abdominal fluid is increasing at this rate then your sister needs to be seen by a physician, who understands liver disease.
    If not available then I would consider taking her to a hospital. I am not a doctor however; I believe that the increased pressure caused by the fluid may make it difficult for her to breath. I also believe that it is important to have a “frank” discussion with the doctor. You are a wonderful brother; may you have continuous strength to draw from.
    Hugs and love,


    My sister woke up with a panic attack in the middle of the night. Her swollen abdomen has grown up dramatically in the last 48 hours. She said that she could not breathe. A doctor come along, checked her superficially and gave her alprazolam (Xanax). I have seen that this drug might damage liver and we think (and she thinks) is not a good idea so she refused to take it.

    This aspect of the illness is very important. During night everything is worse and she feels alleviated if there is a light on, of course if there is a loved one close to her, accompanying her and more importantly, she needs the day light come back. I think the liquid in her concavities is making her feeling a sort of claustrophobia.

    I would like to know how do you deal with these problems and what kind of experiences have you had.

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