Papaya leaf extract and platelets ???

Discussion Board Forums Complementary & Alternative Treatments – CAM Papaya leaf extract and platelets ???

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    Common sense tell me that you may need to watch out for the signs of thrombosis more often than not for your dad.(ie: calf pain or swelling of the legs;shortness of breath or pale face;) you can look up other symptoms for DVT,PE and other PVT on the internet.
    I ,myself like to be prepared before things happening; You can also ask doctor for additional lab test for your dad’s other clotting factor profile to be just in case.
    I did read the articles you have post the links. May I ask what profession you are in. do you really have to pay for the second article you post?
    God bless


    FYI platelets kept going up despite no papaya extract. Oncologist thinks is due to chemotherapy….. hence possibily just a strange co-incidence…


    Yes true Percy. To be honest the scientist in me finds it hard to believe that only 4 days of “treatment” given during his week off could have caused this. I am however not giving it at moment as wish to see his cycle 2 day 8 platelet count (and because of the idea that anti- oxidants may make chemo less effective).
    If it goes really low may try a 3 day course during the week off chemotherapy.


    On the other hand, you may need to pay more attention on the formation of blood colts,( ie:DVT or PE or any kind of venous thrombosis) due to the associated risk of high platelets count especially after long term chemotherapy.
    So be careful.

    God bless.


    Wished to finish this post with the “results” of my trial.

    Bascially Dad’s platelets for years have hovered around 140-160. No stress if you are not on chemotherapy, however with the first cycle of chemotherapy it dropped it to 85.

    I tried 4 days of papaya extract (only did 4 days as it is also an anti-oxidant didnt wish it close to chemotherpay days)

    Today at start of his second cycle the platlet count was 337!!

    Of course this seems crazy however I cant explain such a good increase. Other than this he has been taking wheat grass juice:)

    Hope this is useful for others


    Hi Rain,

    I have never heard of this before so did a bit of looking around for you. Found nothing here on the website about it and found some stuff on google. Hope some of these links will be of interest to you.

    Hopefully some of the others may have some thoughts on this as well.

    Best wishes,



    Hi all,

    I have read about papaya leaf extract and increasing platelet counts. Naturally as a lot of natural therapy it isn’t proven. Am wondering if anyone is taking it or has any experience?


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