Patricia Dumont (Aunt Pat)

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance Patricia Dumont (Aunt Pat)

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    Sounds like Aunt Pat was a real neat lady, anyone would be lucky to have an aunt like that! She’s entertaining them upstairs now.



    Im so sorry about your aunt Peg. I am an aunt to 4 neices and one nephew. I have one son (9) and am divorced with split custody, meaning i dont have my son with me 160 days a year. This would be absolutely heartbrearking for me if I didn’t have the company of my neices and nephew. They live a block away from me, and one or all of them are with me daily, this has especially helped me through my own fathers battle with the awful CC disease. I am certain, Aunt Peg loved the neices and nephews as much as they loved her. Sorry again for your loss, now your aunt is singing with the angels.


    Peg…My sincere condolences to you and the family for your lost of Aunt Pat. May she rest in peace.


    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I felt your pain earlier in your posts due to the distance you are from your Aunt. My Aunt is also suffering from this disease and quite a distance from me too. I know how Aunt’s can be a huge part in a nieces life. I also love to cook and clean. Your Aunt PAt sounds wonderful. Condolences to you and your family. Hollie


    May Aunt Pat rest in peace, she sounds like a wonderful woman. I will keep you and all her “kids” and family in my prayers.



    I am so sorry to hear about your aunt Pat’s passing. What a beautiful person she was and what everlasting memories she left behind. She will be singing wherever she is.
    Hugs to you and your family,


    Aunt Pat died peacefully last evening. She was 78 years young. She was a professional singer and sang with Florida (1940’s) bands until last January when she became sick. She still entertained people at the hospital and nursing home, singing whenever she had a chance.

    Aunt Pat loved to cook, clean, (really!) sew, and garden. She loved animals and she loved her four nieces and nephews – her “kids.” She will be missed.

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