Patterns of recurrence after resection of intrahepatic …

Discussion Board Forums New Developments Patterns of recurrence after resection of intrahepatic …

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  • #56853

    Thanks for this Marion. I reposted this over on the FB page as well.




    Percy….this multi-international study allows for an overview of resections only (including some adjuvant therapy and some chemoembolization) however, it clearly demonstrates that effective adjuvant regiments need to be identified. Therefore I look at it at as a booster for future study implementation.
    All my best,


    I did read about this study,for PATIENTS like me, I will say that the recurrence rate of 75% -78% is a bit on the high side for CCA due to the fact that the data collected was from 1973-whatever year. The surgical technique had been much aggressive and improved since 1973.
    But the fact remains that recurrence rate is still high(>65%),and the benefit of adjuvant therapy is still debatable.
    Most of us,patients, are in fact like sitting ducks, living our life from scan to scan and cannot help ourselves actively and directly even if we try hard because there is not anything effective out there at this time. Yes, at times, I am very discouraged. But we,as patients, really have no choices but waiting,eating well,and trying to deal with the bad news as early as possible in order to provide more treatment options for ourselves and I think that is the best thing we can do for us now.
    God bless.

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