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  • #22314


    Unfortunately, we don’t have the answers for this darn cancer and your question highlights exactly the problem with trying to find a cure for this cancer, it seems that no 2 cases are alike and no 2 doctors treat it alike. It is very difficult to make treatment decisions and not feel like it is a guessing game and not have regrets.

    The rock star on here is Jeff and people post all the time asking him about his treatments and really it seems like what he has been through is almost like an obstacle course or one of those mazes you have to try and find your way out of or like picking door #1, 2 or 3.

    To add to the mix, not sure if you saw it but people are singing the praises of sirspheres and theraspheres, see:




    Hi Patty,
    Thanks for the info. I’m in the Atlanta Georgia area. I had unsuccessful liver resection surgery at Emory University Hospital on August 11. Tomorrow I’m going to the Winship Cancer Institute at Emory, seeing Dr. Kauh. It is my understanding he is the expert in the Southeast for liver cancers. So far I have no jaundice, and my appetite is so-so. Still getting over the surgery and general anxiety over this thing have really wrecked my appetite.
    With all the information I am finding how do I know which treatment is best for me?
    Thanks for your help.



    What is your location? My understanding is that PDT is not approved by the FDA so I think it is harder to find here in the U.S. I assume you already saw this article in the Medical Updates section but, if not, here is the outside link:


    PDT was never offered as an option by my mother’s doctors but I called the Cancer Treatment Center of America because we are in Chicago and they have a facility in Zion, IL , and they said they do not offer it there, they offer it in Tulsa.

    Another member, Mark, sent his Mom’s records to the Univ. of Virginia to see if she was a candidate, see the following post:


    And here Stacie talks about a possible PDT study at MD Anderson:




    Is PDT available at most cancer treatment centers for cc?

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