Hi, My husband Philip is now one year from diagnosis at Mayo MN. He had metal stents placed last December and has needed a plastic stent placed inside of the metal. The left lobe of the liver hasn’t been able to be drained for a while.
Long story short, the GI Dr at Penn has been urging him to have percutaneous drainage done since February. Philip has resisted, who wants another reminder of this disease, we have plenty already. Of course we have the threat of stent blockages, and I just don’t think things drain that well now.
They remind us that he may need drainage and be too sick to have this done. At this point, he’s doing pretty well. He can occasionally go into his old office and work a bit, we can travel as much as chemo exhaustion allows.
I’d like to know how many have gone this route and does it offer a “better quality of life” as they seem to urge us at University of Pennsylvania.