Hi all
Pleased to be in contact with you all on this wonderful site and I do hope you are all improving and also hopeful.
I am taking the above target therapy. I’m having some side effects . I expect the usual tiredness , neuropathy, flu like feeling that’s I’ve had with other intravenous chemos. Have any of you been on this therapy for a long time
But I find it really difficult dealing with a very uncomfortable stomach, wind , very acidic. (Apparently I can’t use stomach protector medicine with this drug).
An acidic mouth with a desperate thirsty feeling sometimes. I drink loads of water . The problem is if I drink anymore I’m b unable to sleep for needing to urinate in the middle of the night which in turn I can’t get back to sleep and I need to sleep to get well. I take Lorazepam so I can get to sleep already!
If you any tips or comments let me know.
A good day and weekend to you all.