Persistent cough

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    Thanks to you all, it’s great talking to you all. About Moira’s shoulder, they suggested paracetamol, and Quinine (the latter is also used over here to help relieve the pain of cramps). So, it’s amazing how people start owning up on the Estee Lauder. Haha. Shows excellent taste Lainy. Everyone, thanks for your comments, and Byron, thanks for your note, love your signature line, that is good and about the best getting the toughest you’re so right. My mum always says you only get as much as you can cope with. They are such strong mantras aren’t they. Spk to you all soon. VBR Simon


    Hi Simon,

    Great to hear form you again and thanks for letting us know how Moira is doing. Sorry to hear that you had trouble in finding out information from Moira’s doctors, but it is great to hear there is no lung cancer. Not so good to hear though about the mets. Unfortunately mets here are quite common and there are a load of posts on the site about this.

    Did the docs say anything about Moira’s shoulder pain and is she taking any meds for that? That is a great attitude that you both have and yes, my dad used to feel run down also but would then get back up and start swinging again! And I know that Moira will love a top up of her favourite Estee Lauder!

    My best wishes to you and Moira,



    Simon, I’m so sorry for what you are going through. We don’t know why we have to go through what we do, but a wise old man once told me that only the best get to go through the toughest “refining fires”.

    Also, sounds to me like you need to get some “attitude” with the doctors. (maybe you have already). We will do whatever it takes to protect the ones we love, no?

    Be strong, my friend….for you and for her. You are great.


    Simon, so, OK you guys got me on the Estee Lauder. I have used it for…Mmmm…50 years! You both have the best attitude but I am sorry to hear about her shoulder pain. Can they not give her something for relief? All I can do is to keep telling you to be strong for each other. Life is not the way it’s supposed to be. It’s the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference. Best wishes and hugs to you both!


    Hi Gavin, everyone. Sorry it’s taken me a while to post, but it has been a real struggle getting anyone to do anything in terms of telling us what’s going on with Moira. Finally, yesterday, I managed to get information from the Drs re scan results. Moira’s ONC feels certain there is no lung cancer, but mets from her tumour. Which means we’re over the moon with that, but also concerned that the cancer is progressing, albeit slowly. Outside of results and scans etc, Moira is feeling more tired, her right shoulder is aching most of the time and she is looking thinner and generally more run down. But, we keep going, Moira is still maintaining full time work, and we refuse to give in. Yes we get worn down, but will never give in. Just treated Moira to a top-up of her favourite Estee Lauder makeup, which she uses faithfully everyday. Thanks again for listening, and hope you’re all ok and staying positive. VBR. Simon


    Hi Simon,

    You never have to apologise for rambling here, ever! So you go ahead, post away, ramble as much as you want! Every note here posted by everyone has a point, we are all here for each other to help and support each other as best we can. We understand the nerves over apps and waiting for results, we all know what that feels like. Keep coming back here and remember that we are here for you. Please let us know how things go with Moira and her app this week.

    Best wishes to you and Moira,


    Hi SImon and welcome back from Paris. How wonderful to have been able to make that trip, even if it was bittersweet. For patients and care givers both I feel the worst moments are waiting for test results. I guess when you hear something is good, that is a relief and when you hear something not so good that too is a relief as then you at least get a game plan in place. Hang in and know that we are anxiously awaiting the news right with you! And, BE STRONG!


    Hi Nancy, Lainy, and thanks for sharing that with me. Sometimes I feel like I’m going nuts with this. Moira bless her is still trying to come to terms with “why me, I’m only 43”, and feels so bad for what she feels she us putting me through. I try to minimise the effect of this in me with her, purely to maintain the need to “BE STRONG”. I must say though, sometimes I find myself wondering what is the point of all this. Following the news we had last week, and ahead of the appts I knew would be booked for next week with Moira’s ONC, I took Moira for 4 days to Paris (we just got back this evening). That was bitter sweet, that’s a very special place for us, but then Moira is thinking she’ll never see it again. Sorry to ramble, no real point to this note, perhaps it’s my nerves for the appts next week. I’ll let you know how we get on, but more importantly, thanks again for your words and thoughts. Love. Simon


    Hi Simon, I was saddened to read about Moira’s progression to the lungs. I totally understand how you are feeling because I am in the same situation with my husband Doug in that his bone mets are progressing. I agree that this is a cruel disease. I am not sure how I make it through some days; I have to dig so deep for the strength. I try to find something to laugh about with Doug everyday and concentrate on enjoying the moment while I push the sad thoughts away.
    On a positive note, people have had success with getting rid of lung mets with chemo. Keep us posted on what the ONC says. All the best to you and Moira. We are with you here in Revelstoke B.C. Nancy & Doug


    Simon, I am so very sorry to hear this about Moira. It’s hard but I know you have to wait to talk to the ONC. We have had members who had mets to the lungs and many were helped with chemo. It’s like the straw that broke the camel’s back for her and yes, it’s a devastaing cancer. I still ask myself why these things happen to good people! But this is the here and now and the only advise I can give you (not that you asked but I am a busy body old lady) is to be strong. The bottom line is that what ever is to be, is Moira’s decision and you must be strong and support her emotionally for whatever she decides. As everyone on this site knows, Teddy’s words to me were always “BE STRONG”. If I stayed strong then he did too and I got so used to being strong, it did help me get through anything. But more importantly it helped him. I am sending you the best in wishes and hugs and BE STRONG!


    Hi all, having a difficult time at the moment. Results of the scan are back from Moira’s GP, and we have just yesterday been told that Moura’s cancer has now spread to her lungs. They have found a nodule in the top of her right lung. Waiting for an appt with Moira’s oncologist, but just trying to keep things together at the moment. M is feeling like she can’t take any more, and has had enough. What a cruel, cruel disease. Trying to do my best in supporting Moira but thus is getting hard. Simon


    Hi, I took all your advice, and the coughing seems to have eased a little, but not by much. Christie and Moira’s GP have offered no suggestion of what the cause may be – I guess/hope that’s for next week with the results of her scans last week. I will keep you posted. Gavin, in terms of the haggis, no chance – I am English after all!!! Haha. The car run will be good later today – if you’re around Loch Lomond this weekend you may see us – we’re a group of Lamborghinis, Ferrari’s, Porsches and Mercs enjoying the roads – we’ll be staying at Mar Hall. Best wishes to you all, and again thanks for all your help and thoughts. Simon


    Hi Simon,

    I’ve never heard of a Gumball before, but it sounds fun. And if you’re up my way then I recommend the haggis, if you are brave enough of course! I do agree as well with Marion with regards to the coughing and that it should be looked at by her doctor. When Moira spoke with Christie’s, did they say anything about the coughing and what could be causing it? My dad was on codeine as well, Solpadols. He started on then at 3 times a day then moved up to 4 times a day and they worked well for him with regrads to his pain.

    Best wishes to you and Moira,



    Sti…Gumball sounds like fun and i hope for Moira to be able to join you. I do however, believe that an entire night of caughing should be reported to the physician immediately. It is obvious that the medications given are not working for her. please, keep us posted.
    All my best wishes


    Hi Sti, Sending positive thoughts for simple answers to Moira’s cough. Have fun with the Gumball! Sounds like lots of fun. Best wishes. Nancy

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