Perspectives on Clinical Development of PD-1 Drugs

Discussion Board Forums Websites Perspectives on Clinical Development of PD-1 Drugs

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  • #49774

    Thanks for that Marion.


    The Cancer Letter addresses this issue with several specialist. Use this link:

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    Conversation with The Cancer Letter
    Perspectives on Clinical Development of PD-1 Drugs

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    1. Is there a reason to believe that these drugs are different from each other?
    2. Will this number of trials produce data showing how these drugs compare to each other and how they should be used?
    3. In your opinion, which of these PD-1 and PD-L1 one drugs are going to be the best? How could companies or other individuals tell whether their drug will be better than another drug? Is there a way to tell whether some of these drugs should not go past Phase I?
    4. Should there be national leadership in command or in control that determines which of these drugs will not be viable? Why doesn’t anybody do that?
    5. Is there a common biomarker assay? Do these companies have uniform toxicity management? How will these drugs be studied in combination? How will they be studied in the adjuvant setting?

    6. How can these drugs be approved? Can FDA handle the onslaught of drugs?

    7. 166,736 patients are enrolled or will be enrolled in these clinical trials as of Sept. 9. Is that too many? Is the push towards PD-1 and PD-L1 drugs getting in the way of other trials or the possible development of other types of treatment?

    8. Is the large number of PD-1 drugs in development slowing down the approval of the best drugs for treating patients?

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