Pet Scans

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Pet Scans

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  • #57937

    Dear JHagopian, good to see you again and I am curious where you are being treated. Ah, well meaning friends who are not knowledgable about CC. When Teddy was going through all this he had PET Scans every 6 months with monthly visits to the ONC with LABS. That is how they kept watch. From what I understand a PET shows ‘hot’ spots whereas an MRI shows that spot with more definition. I can only go with how they watched Teddy. It sounds like you are doing very well what kind of treatment have they given you? Now, I am curious as to why an MRI and a CAT scan? I hope you are not nervous about this site, it is a wonderful Board and welcome back.


    I have had been free of cc for 2 years and 2 months and thus far am doing well-thank god. I wold like to have a Oet scan as advised by some of my friends with various canceres.
    botj my surgeon and oncologist do not seem hot on the idea. I get an MRI and a C
    at scan every 4 months. I’d like to know opinions on Pet Scan versus MRI/CAT scan. Thanks so much

    Please ignore mistake in first message. Am nervous.

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