PET vs MRI ?

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    Last time I went in for an MRI I panicked after about 20 minutes. I wonder now if I should ask for another MRI and a sedative to go with it? We’ve been sticking with CT scans, and like other people have mentioned, my tumor really doesn’t show up very well. However, the cancer in the lungs does show up like snow on a dark night :(


    Thanks, Mary as that is exactly how I feel and guess I needed validation. Are not T & T a pair??? Teddy looks good, has been very tired lately but then he is 77. I think some of it is boredom although he went golfing today. Always has the energy for that. His bilirubin is perfect. He has had no stents for 4 years. He is on no meds at all. He does have the 2 tumors mentioned but they are shrinking. Its all so crazy. Yes, I will mention the MRI tomorrow. Thank you so very much!!!


    Hi Guys,
    Sorry I haven’t posted lately- I actually had to log back in but have been keeping track of everyone and want to wish all a belated Happy New Year! Every year brings new challenges and I believe Teddy and Tom are dealing with the same issues as long time survivors! Tom had his MRI in Nov. and it continues to show absolutely no change BUT… his tumor marker is up into the 500 range. It is getting scary but they still think it is due to obstruction rather than tumor. People with cirrhosis and cholangitis have tumor markers in the tens of thousands. I would be more panicked but the wierd thing is that looking at his history over the last year it does make you wonder. One year ago his CA19 was 46( where it had been for 2 years). He had a stent in place for most of those 2 years. Last year in Feb they removed the stent , did a balloon dilatation to open up his duct, took four tissue samples of former tumor area that came back negative, and he has not had a stent since. In April his tumor marker was 129, in May it was 143, in August it was 338 and in Nov it was 559. SO what the heck is going on?!! His bili is up a little but less than it was in August. He looks good and feels great. No one really can say what is happening because no one has had this experience before. Klatskin tumors never go away with radiation and Xeloda, yet his did. I can’t help but think his duct is closing up because he doesn’t have a stent and that’s causing the “obstruction” and increased tumor marker. It sure seems possible.
    Lainy , our Drs all want MRIs because they say the PET can give false positives and the MRI gives a clearer picture of the ducts, etc. He said if they did a PET and it showed something they would end up doing an MRI or MRCP as follow-up anyway. I am going to take Tom to Pittsburgh for one of their world renowned CAT scans. It’s been three years since he was there and I would rest easier if they scanned him and also saw no change. I would ask for an MRI for Teddy. I agree with Kris. I don’t think you can be scanned enough!! HA! Of course I’ve never had a CAT scan or MRI so it’s easy for me to say!
    Stay warm everyone! Kris, I hope you bought some warm coats ’cause it’s going to feel like Sweden in S.C. this weekend if it doesn’t all ready!! Mary


    Here is my 2 cents….
    Nothing has been picked up on my except on PET. My doctor is still asking for another MRI when I get back to double check if anything now can be seen. My bestfriend the oncologist always thought my surgon was being overly cautious giving me MRI scans instead of CT but my doctor said MRI was better for finding things IN the liver. PET finds the hot spots, but not their exact location or size since it is not 3D in that way.

    Iam of the theory that I cant be scanned too much or in too many different ways. Each type of scan has positives and negatives that means there is no one answer to which type of scan is better so to my way of thinking,Scan me,scan me, scan me until the doctors get all the information they possibly can.



    Thank you all and Rick that was exactly what I was thinking about the MRI. I think I will suggest it as I did have a feeling something with the bile ducts could be seen better on the MRI. Its all hunt and peck isn’t it? Just don’t want to leave a stone unturned. Where we live it could have a scorpian underneath!!!!


    Hi Lainy,

    The answer does seem complex and dependent on so many things, but for what it’s worth, in our case nothing showed up on the MRI or any other tests, but did on the Pet Scan. My best to you both. I too will be waiting to hear good news.



    Thank you Gavin and to you also Marion. I shall relay your message to him!!!


    The MRI will probably give you a better view of the entire bile duct anatomy. The new 3D MRCP’s are extremely detailed but can’t always differentiate scarring/inflammation/benign strictures from a cancer. But the PET scan will still be better at finding the “hot spots”/cancer.

    Just my $.02 and what I recall from my Mayo Docs when we were talking about all the testing I was having done. I even remember them saying that the MRCP is detailed enough even see tiny tattos on the skin in amazing clarity.



    Lainy….you might want to read up on Marylloyd’s postings regarding the tumor markers. Mary has posted frequently on this subject as her husband is in a similar situation.
    Best wishes to you and my boyfriend Teddie


    Hi Lainy,

    I wish I could help you with this, but I can’t I’m afraid. But I just wanted to tell you that I am keeping everything crossed for the two of you for Friday and I am hoping for and looking forward to hearing some good news.

    My very best wishes to you both.



    Teddy’s PET in December showed the 2 tumors, one near the liver, one near a kidney and yet his CA is climbing, even though the tumors are shrinking from hormones or whatever. We go to the ONC Friday and I am getting nervous again about the CA. I am trying to remember if someone once posted that an MRI would show the bile ducts better than a PET. Does anyone remember anything like that? It is just logical to me that if the CA19 is climbing there must be something in the bile ducts that is now showing. I just wanted to be armed with my questions. Thanks guys & gals.

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