Photo Dynamic Therapy/PDT

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  • #26185

    JenzoB and welcome, sorry you had to join our elite club. I am sure its very hard to communicate about this “over the water”. Personally, the first thing I would do is change Oncologists. It sounds like she is with the right doctor now. I have seen his name on this board before. We have a wonderful search engine on this site as well as many courageous, caring people whom I am sure you will be hearing from. Good luck and please keep us posted.


    There are people on the board who have had this therapy in Britain. If you use the search funtion and type it in you will find some information. There is a great thread that details Gavin’s father’s experience. ACtually, here is the link to the threads

    Hope that helps.


    Has anyone heard of this alternative treatment or done it? My mother-in-law lives in London, England. She was just diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma Jan. 20, 2009. As my husband & I live in NJ we have been researching so many things to try to feel apart of this with her and be there for her if not physically then in action. We have been looking into many nutritional and complimentary/alternative methods for treating this. Her oncologist is extremely traditional so he had no interest in listening to our questions. But we did find a very kind and compassionate doctor – Dr. Julian Kenyon at the Dove Clinic in London & Twyford who does this therapy. He says it can be done in conjunction with Chemotherapy. From what we can tell there doesn’t seem to be a down side, but I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this? I will certainly update this with our experience when and if she goes forward with this treatment.

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