plastic stent or metal stent, can you enlighten me?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion plastic stent or metal stent, can you enlighten me?

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    Isisman…..additionally to the responses given by our Rick and Gavin I would like to add: Metal stent insertion will exclude any contemplated resection.
    Best wishes,



    Plastic stents are prone to infection and getting clogged up so they are typically replaced every 2-3 months. A metal stent is considered permanent because they cannot be removed once they are deployed, however they may need maintenance to be cleaned out and it is common to sometimes place a 2nd set of stents inside the metal stents if necessary (I have this right now, plastic inside the metal stents).

    I hope this helps.



    Hi Isisman,

    My dad had a metal stent and from what I understand things, they are intended to be placed permanently. His CC was inoperable so no surgery was going to happen so he had the metal stent. Plastic stents can be changed and they last around 3 months or so before they will clog up. Metal stents can still clog but they can last for a year or so before that happens. I think that metal stents can still be unclogged if they clog up but they will not be removed. I think another tube can be inserted into a clogged metal one to unclog it, whereas a plastic one will be changed.

    As to which one is better, I’m not sure. I guess it would depend on the individual. Perhaps someone else can help with this. Hope some of that is useful.

    Best wishes,



    What is the difference in getting a plastic or metal stent? Is one better, or is one used for one scenario and the other another? Also, how long do each last. I would hate to find out you have one for a year and it must be replaced. My husband has a stent in his pancreas that was left in after whipple surgery. No idea if plastic or metal. I guess I could read the report and see if it says. Not sure if I need to know.

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