Platelet below normal

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    Glad to see you are coming to MD Anderson. Who are you seeing? It is a good cancer hospital and the clinical staff is great. My oncologist is Dr. Kaseb. I hope they can help you. Have you gone on their website?

    MD Anderson is closed until Tuesday as is the MD Anderson clinic (where you get chemo, lab work and radiation treatmen) here in the Woodlands. I guess they will make new appointments according to the gravity of the patients illness which in your case should be a priority 1. I did request an appointment here in the Woodlands on the MYMDANDERSON website for next week but not sure I will get it that soon. Need to sort out the chemo schedule.

    Best of luck and hope you get an appointment real soon.


    I had an appt for Thursday this week and got a phone call this afternoon that it has been canceled. Fortunately we didn’t start out on the 1060 mile , two day trip. Phone calls to MD Anderson get a recording that they are closed due to water flooding and impassable roads. My phone message (which was mechanical…not a real person) indicated that they would call after the Labor day holiday to reschedule. I couldn’t tell if the clinic might be open on Friday or not. Unfortuantely, there is a LOT of debris on roads that have been covered with water …a LOT of it…and it will take quite a while to clear all of that including the mud to make the roads safe again. Then, some will need repaired because of washouts. To top that, if possible, there is a new low pressure in the Gulf that probably won’t be a hurricane, but is expected to dump a lot more water over the already flooded areas. Insult to injury!. I’m hoping to get an appt for the week AFTER the week of Labor Day… be on the safer side…..but I hate to wait that long……my blood counts are dropping a lot and I don’t know how fast the leukemia is progressing. It’s really scary.



    Hi Brigitte,

    Sorry to hear of this delay to everything. Have been watching everything that has been happening in Houston over here on the news and it looks terrible to say the least. Thoughts are with everyone affected by the flooding. Have you phoned MD or your Onc to see what they are saying about Friday being able to open or not? Very frustrating for you indeed to say the least.




    Got my blood test results from last Friday and my platelet count is 74 which is below 140 listed as the minimum norm. Not sure if that means they won’t do chemo until it rises or not. Right now MD Anderson is closed due to the weather. I hope they will be open on Friday as I have an appointment.
    I have not had chemo since 14 August as I was having the TACE procedure on the 25 of Aug but that didn’t happen. My next schedule TACE is 15 September so not sure if they will have me on chemo before then. Frustrated not knowing .

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