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    Hi Chelle,

    Great to hear from you again and thank you for letting us know how your mum is doing. You are like me in that I had to find out everything that I could about this when my dad was diagnosed as he would not, but I wanted to and wanted to know what he was up against. Glad to hear you say that your mum is looking a lot better, but sorry that she is still having issues with nausea. When your mum had the scambled egg did it have butter in it? You say she was sick after the boiled egg with butter but not after having a scrambled egg with no butter. The difference could be the fat content in the butter. I’m not saying that it is, just thinking out loud here.

    Scottish breakfast? Oh yes, most tasty indeed!! Bacon, black pudding and lorne sausage etc, and you and your mum being from the west coast, I’m guessing a tattie scone as well!!! Not good for you on a daily basis, but absolutely delicious every now and again! Yum!!!!

    I hope that all goes well for your mum with her ct scan and I will keep my fingers crossed for the best possible results here. And please let us know how this goes.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Aw lainy, thats super to know, thanks. So sorry you had to go through it though. I have never known anyone to have liver or gallstone problems before, but i can only sympathise greatly. My mum is not one to show her pain, but she is nearing doing anything right now to be rid of it.

    She took a boiled egg this afternoon, and ended up being violently sick, and when she ate scrambled egg it was fine. Dont get it at all. The only difference was butter in the boiled egg!

    Strange thing the gall bladder huh.haha. Wish i could take some of her pain myself and let her get a break from it. If only that was possible. At leaset her doc seems to be keeping on top of things. My mum has never had any health concerns before this, and has knocked her for six.

    She dosent really want to know anything about it, and let it take its course. i on the other hand have to find out everything and anything i can. Think because i have had 2 cancer scares already and that i knew about what was coming next in the way of tests etc, i was more relaxed about it. Everyone is different though, and thats what makes everyone unique. So good luck to everyone whatever stage you are all at. Even though it is 99% that my mum is going to be fine, i will not just forget about you all here. Its amazing the level of support from people i dont know, and a condition i had never heard of before. Really opens your eyes to what is out there.

    Chelle xx


    OMGosh, Chellie!! I had a gall bladder attack about 5 years ago. The most painful thing as I was passing a gall stone at the time. Pain so severe I was hanging from teddy’s dresser. Went to hospital by ambulance. Stone passed and the pain was gone. However, they said my gall bladder was full of sludge and it would cause another attack. I said taker it out! Don’t ever want that kind of pain again. They took it out in the evening and I stayed one more night and went home. No problems in that area again. Good luck!


    Thanks andie!!!

    The doc has left mums notes at the reception to be picked up. CT scan is scheduled for next thursday, but doc has urged my mum to go sooner if things deteriorate. No antibiotic was prescribed though. No stones were found on u/s scan, only the cyst and sludge.

    I am with you on the fact that they would not be telling her that it is a cyst and nothing worse. I am very hopeful this will be the case. Will this still need surgery then? I am sure my mum will go through anything at this point to be out of pain.

    She is a foodaholic, and wants to get stuck into a big scottish breakfast,haha. Im will buy her 100 as soon as she is up to it!!

    With all this trouble i am sure her diet will change and the amount of fatty foods she has been used to eating will reduce. She is down to 7 stone, so we will have to build her up once she gets her appetite back.

    I have not found much info on cysts causing so much pain. everything seems to sway they dont usually cause symptoms unless very large, or are rupturing. I am aware this is not a site connected to cysts, so i will do further research. I suppose it could be infected though, and as you said Andie, may need an antibiotic to clear that.

    Until the ct scan has been done, we will be strong and hopefully by then we will know what the next steps are.

    Its amazing how things change in 24 hours, but thank you for all the kind words and support.

    Hope you are all having a good day

    my thoughts are with you all.

    Chelle xx


    Hi Chelle,

    That sounds promising, they wouldn’t commit to saying it’s a cyst if they wasn’t sure, and I’m sure they can tell the difference between a tumor and cyst on CT scan.

    Have they scheduled your Mom for surgery? If the cyst is blocking the gallbladder sludge will continue to back up and this is what is probably making your Mom feel unwell. This was happening to my friend and they acted quick as there was a risk of infection spreading. My friends was caused by a stone in the duct though.

    Have they put your Mom on antibiotics? My friend was admitted to hospital for IV antibiotics and then allowed to return home whilst waiting for a bed for the gallbladder operation. (good old NHS and bed shortages!)

    Hope you get some answers soon.

    Best wishes to you and your Mom,



    hi all, just an update, my mums doc has got in touch regarding u/s scan. He says there is 2cm cyst showing on the liver and the gallbladder is full of sludge. Not sure exactly what it will require to resolve it, but so glad that it seems to be benign……….we hope. Thank you so very much for your support, i will keep you updated.

    thanks again

    Chelle xx


    If the juandice was caused by infection, yes it can clear up with the infection.

    Eggs are easy to digest as well as soup. I have no idea why custard (YUM) would be easy except that I bet it liquifies in the stomach so it might be easy to pass. My doctor said (when I still could eat) that foods that dissolved easily in water were easy to digest…for example mashed potato, crackers, ice cream, soup, etc.



    Well i am glad to say that my mum looks a lot better today. Having been very ill looking yesterday, there has been a big improvement on her appearance today. I honestly thought today i would be taking her to hospital. Couldnt be more pleased.

    I have tried getting more information from her on how she feels, as i have said she hides her pain too well.

    Apparently she has felt she has been unwell for over 2 months!!!!
    The only thing she is managing to stomach is scrambled egg, soup, and custard. Why would this be?

    Her eyes dont look quite as bad today, im sure they are less yellow, can jaundice go away without treating the cause?

    Thanks in advance

    Chelle xxxxxx


    Thanks again for the replies. this is by far the quickest site i have ever known.

    As for the sickness, yes it is vomiting. She is at home, and hates hospitals, she is terrified to be honest. At her first doctors appt, her doc did say that he would admit her to get scan done, but she declined, so everything is being done as qn out patient. I am keeping a very close eye on her. She works with me too, so i am with her every day, and will not hesitate to get her to hospital if anything changes that i think is MORE serious. Dont know if it can at the moment, but she is so stuck in her ways, it is like banging my head againt a brick wall.

    i understand completeley Gavin that you are unable to direct me in the question i asked. After reading it back i realise i am just speaking aloud. A week is not long any other time, but right now it seeems to be forever.

    My mum has had bloods taken, but i am unsure of what they have actually tested for. I think i heard the nurse say U’s and A’s?? and lft. What these are i dont know, i presume lft is liver function? Another i heard my mum say was ALT.

    My mum tries to shield me from when she is in pain, and to be honest i dont know if she has been suffering longer than the month i know about. I do remember her taking paracetamol a while back for a short time, but she said she had headaches, but possibly she was having some symptoms related to this without saying.

    Would her GP take notice of me if i had to phone. Does patient confidence come into practice if a relation needs to act. I would love nothing more than to get my mum into hospital to get her a rest (she is working too hard) and to get proper treatment of this horrendous condition. I am going to work now, so i will post later if anything has changed.

    Thank you so much everyone, my thoughts are with you all. I know i am new to all this, but i am also hear if anyone needs a hug.

    Chelle xx



    So sorry to hear about your mom. Did the doctors do any blood work, specifically for Liver function? Tom, my husband did not even have any symptoms, but because he was on a cholesterol lowering drug, they always did blood work checking the liver enzymes every three months. In Jan ’08 everything was fine, in Mar ’08, his liver enzymes were 10 times elevated! After more tests, he was diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma. He never turned yellow, did not have any pain, did not have dark urine , was not tired, and had not lost any weight.

    After a resection (removal of 3/4’s of his liver, they told him he was cancer free and he did not have chemo. 18 months later, he started turning yellow, and they found a new tumor in the remaining bile duct. He’s now going through chemo and has had radiation to shoot down that tumor, however, it is still blocking the bile duct and they cannot operate. At his last scan he has 5 new small tumors in his liver and a new mass in the pelvic area. He now has all of the above symptoms (no itching though) and has lost tons of weight.

    In your mom’s case, I would request a blood test and have them test all of the liver function test. Alk Phosphate was the one that told his doc’s that there was something going on with the liver. Right now it’s 958 which is still very high, but 1/2 of what it was in Mar ’08 – gotta look for the good things, right? Tom’s original oncologist gave him 6 months after the 2nd tumor was found, and here we are still fighting 12 months later! We start the 13th month of life on 12/01/2010!

    Please keep us posted on your mom’s scan results and request that blood work for liver enzymes!

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.



    Hi Chelle,

    When you say that your mum has been sick, do you mean that she is vomitting? If so, then there are a wide range of medication that can help with this. My dad had a lot of issues with nausea and he tried a lot of different types of medications for this and some worked better than others. If your mum is vomitting a lot then I would get the GP out to see her now, as there are things that can be done for this.

    You ask if you have caught this early enough going by the symptoms that your mum has, and I will say to you that no one here can answer that question as we are not doctors. We will help you as much as we can, but we can’t answer questions like that as we are not doctors. The CT scan for your mum will give you more answers, and I know that it is hard to wait for this to happen. But is there any way that you can get this brought forward, perhaps speaking with your mums GP and getting him/her to push for a quicker scan may help. Personally based on what you say about your mum right now, I would be pushing for that CT scan to happen now rather than next week. I know that the NHS ca n be slow to work, but sometimes you have to shout loudly to be heard!

    Is your mum at home right now or is she in the hospital? In my dads case. he was seen by his gp who referred him to the hospital. That app didn’t come throuigh quickly enough and my dad had another issue that meant he webnt to see his gp about. Dad had jaundice badly and did for a few weeks, then he got admitted to hospital and then they carried out the tests, CT, MRI etc and then he got diagnosis.

    Hoping that tomorrow gives you something to smile about as well.

    My best to you and your mum,



    small world indeed!!!!!!!

    I will keep strong, its all i can do at the moment. I just got a call to say my mum has been very sick, but does not want any fuss. Have we caught it early enough to treat going by the symptoms she has? How did things start for you/your loved ones? i cant believe the speed that this (whatever it is) has taken hold, would this be normal?

    Another cause of the blockage was said to be a cyst, can this be a reason to loose so much weight so suddenly. I understand jaundice and pain, but the weight loss seems extreme.

    Sorry, im ranting again, feel better though getting all the questions out of my head on here. All i have done is clean tonight, trying to put my fear into submission. My wee palace is gleaming, mum will be pleased.haha.

    May tomorrow bring you a smile

    Thanks a million




    Hi Chelle,

    No that doesn’t sound silly at all, what is wrong with having a good cry, nothing. It is hard to sit back and watch a loved one in pain suffer, and I know that from seeing my dad. I was his carer during his fight with CC. I am glad to hear that the support from us all has helped you today, but please know that this support will also be here for you tomorrow and for every day as well, so keep coming back.

    And wow! You are from Glasgow, I am from Dundee, born and bred and still live here! Small world indeed! For the benefit of my friends from around the world, Glasgow is about 90 minutes drive from Bonnie Dundee! And indeed Chelle, our Kris worked and lived in Scotland for some time and I am sure that she will be along soon. Stay strong.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    thank you everyone for such kind words, and for getting me through today. I have cried so much today i cant tell you. I know that sounds silly as we dont know anything for sure, but she looks so frail, and in so much pain. I just hope for this to be what andie has said., i truly do.

    Thank you for Lainy, that’s so nice to hear that you have a daughter too that would walk thew world for you, like i would for my mum. It’s all down to being a fantastic mum that we can be privileged daughters.

    I hope everyone here is aware how much your support means.

    I am in Glasgow, Scotland.


    Chelle xx


    Hi Mamamia,

    Welcome to our cc family and in no way are you intruding. I do really hope though that you don’t have to keep returning

    I can understand what you are going through, the not knowing is one of the worst feelings in the world.

    My Dad was diagnosed in April after 2 months of painless jaundice, this was his only symptom.

    Where do you live? I am in the UK and the CT scan results were back quickly, but Dad was in hospital at the time has his jaundice was really bad. They were suprised he had no other symptoms.

    Has your Doctor mentioned cc, or have you reached this opinion from internet search?

    Please try and stay strong and positive. My friend had similar symptoms to your Mom and she had a stone in her duct, that wasn’t picked up on the ultrasound, she had to have her gallbladder removed.

    Thinking of you and your Mom


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