Please……i need your thoughts.

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Please……i need your thoughts.

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    Hi Mamamia,

    Welcome to the site, and no you are not intruding here so please do not think that at all. I know that this is so hard to deal with and we are all here for you, the waiting around for news/results etc is tough and we have all been through that. You ask us to be honest with you and we will always do that, but no one here can say for definite if this is CC. Both Marion and Lainy are right in what they say about waiting for the scan results to come back.

    The best thing that you can do right now for your mum is to stay strong and be there for your mum, as right now she needs you there beside her. I know that this hard to do, but your mum needs you. And yes, you are right in that you are not alone anymore, we are all here for you so keep coming back here and let us know how your mum is getting on. I will keep my fingers crossed for your mum.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Mamamia, The best thing you can do for Mum is just to be there. Go to her doctor appointments with her and write or record what the doctor says, then later you can always play it back if you get confused or have questions.
    You can goodle Cholangiocarcinoma on the web or if you have specific questions we have a search engine at the top of the page. Type in a word like bilirubin and a number of posts will come up about the subject. That is the best and quickest way to learn.
    Scans very in time. Some doctors can get them read immediately others go thru channels and it can take a couple of days.
    Remember your Mum does not yet have a real diagnosis. Take some deep breaths and telkl yourself how strong you are. I have a wonderful daughter like you and we are also best friends. Your Mum and I are very lucky. Where are you from?


    Thanks for reply, and welcome. (CT scan is next week. Bloods redone today, results beginning of next week)

    I definately agree with you on the knowledge part.

    All i want is to know is how i can help her. my mum is my best friend. We spend so much time together, and are so close, which i am so grateful and proud of. If it wasn’t for my mum, i would have lost the way so many times.

    I am sitting crying here,lol. Being strong is so hard. I honestly dont know what to think or feel. I only know that it is not something that has got better, only worse. To go from so energetic, and carefree to the way she is now is terrifying.

    Can you suggest where to get the best info on this to be prepared for next week.

    Also, how long do results usually take from CT scan.

    To think i had never heard of this, then be here and see so many people in the same boat is scary, but comforting at the same time. I dont feel so alone today,

    Thank you all,


    thank you so much for such a quick reply.

    I really am trying to think positive. It is just hard when she has got so bad within a short space of time.

    its great to get real people with real experiences to talk to.

    Thanks for your support


    Dearest Mamamia welcome to our wonderful family. This is a very hard time for you, it always is before we know something for sure. Since we are not doctors we can only tell you that it does sound like Cholangio but you will have to wait to see what the tests say. Where is your Mum being seen? You might want to start readiing up on some of our posts and other information about CC so you are ready to help Mum and to fight for her. We are hoping and wishing that this is not the case but knowledge is powerful and will give you strength. Please keep us posted.


    mamamia….welcome to our site. I am sorry to hear of your Mom’s current condition and am hoping for the upcoming CT to shed some light on the situation. I assume that suspicion of Cholangiocarcinoma has been expressed by the physician however, if you can (and that is not an easy task) please, try to relax and wait for the definite report.
    We have, at times, seen for the diagnoses to come back as something other than this disease.
    I am hoping for the same to be true in your Mom’s case. Please, stay in touch. The members on this board will be by your site.
    I am crossing my fingers and am sending all my best wishes your way,


    Hi everyone. I have just joined and need some info. I realise this is probably more for people who have been ‘officially’ diagnosed, and i will leave forum if i am intruding, as its the last thing i want to do, i am just so lost, i dont know where to turn.

    My mum, who is 58, has recently been having alot of pain in the upper abdomen, in the centre, to left. She is very stubborn, and decided it was heartburn that would go away. (this was a month ago) After 2 weeks, she became worse, with very dark urine. Swhe actually thought it may be blood passing it was so dark, so prompted her to get it seen to (thankfully) Doc ran urine dip, which was clear, and gave her med for ‘acid reflux’

    A few days later we noticed her eyes going yellow, and then next day her skin also. Doc then took action. He ran blood tests, alt ( i think) which was high, possibly because of jaundice. An urgent u/s was ordered, she went yesterday for that, the doc saying that he suspected gallstones. Unfortunately there are no gallstones, but something has shown up on her liver. she has now to get CT scan next week to find out if it is a tumour or a cyst. More bloods were taken today.

    I am so worried. I cannot believe how bad she has got within last 2 weeks. Its unbelievable.


    extremely Jaundice (for a week)
    Nausea vomiting ( week approx)
    Pain in abdomen (a month at least, mum very sly,lol)
    More frequent bowel movements (unsure of time)
    more tired 9in last few days)
    Lost about a stone in weight over the month
    Loss of appettite (getting worse)

    I feel my mum has got worse over the last week. It is so unlike her to be so tired, and unhappy.

    Please can anyone shed light on this (please be honest) i need to know the truth, its the unknown that is scaring me. If i know what it is, or could be, even the worst case, then i can mentally prepare for it. Anything that i can do for my mum i will.

    Please help, and good luck to everyone on this board,


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