Please know that we try

Discussion Board Forums Announcements Please know that we try

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  • #63991

    Hi, everyone,
    To add to the above,if you have a medical related question you would like to ask the board,you can e mail to me using this message board to notify me.
    The best day to ask me is Monday or Tuesday ,so I can research for you.
    If you can please be specific, quoting DIRECTLY from medical reports are HIGHLY RECOMMEMDED since it is easier for me and my peers to understand your concern.
    But please remember, I am only a patient like you, I am not a doctor, but my medical resources may provide information that may be of interest to your specific concern.
    Again, REPOST if you can get people to unswerving your concern.
    God bless.


    to answer each and everyone on this site in a timely manner. However, there may the occasional mishap when a posting addressed to a particular person stays unanswered. The same goes for postings addressed to our general membership.
    Should this happen to you please, repost and repost, if so necessary. We want to make sure that you are heard.

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