Popular Weight Loss Drug & Liver Disease

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    My local news station ran a story today about the harmful side effects of Alli, which prompted me to do a search on the topic. I found several articles, including one on abcnews.go.com, titled “Weight Loss Drugs: Public Citizen Calls for Ban on Alli, Xenical”.

    Below are two quotes from the article:

    “More severe side effects reported to the FDA include liver disease, pancreatitis, and kidney stones.”…….

    “Monique Paulwell of Bowie, Md. said she only took Alli four times before she began feeling fatique, loss of appetitie, and abdominal pain.” “‘After a batter of tests, (doctors) said there had been an attack on my liver,’ said Paulwell. By the time I was admitted to the hospital, I had 48 hours to live. It was that serious'”…. “She said she needed a liver transplant to save her life.”

    Just wondering, did any of you take this product prior to being diagnosed with CC?

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