Portal Vein thrombosis

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    I’m back to finally answer some questions. Steve’s CC is intrahepatic. the thrombosis is complete. I don’t know what to expect from the thrombosis on top of the CC, but the Oncologist doesn’t seem to be too concerned about the thrombosis. Steve is really feeling pretty well. We will talk to Onc today about a new development, he has two hernias that has trippled in size over the past month or two. It always seems to be something! One step forward, one step back.


    Dear PAk, I am sorry to hear this aout your Mother and while I cannot help with the question please know that I am sending my very best!


    My mom is in the emergency room now. Starting on heparin infusion. She just completed her last radiation treatment and here she is,going to be admitted with portal vein thrombosis. Seems like everything that could go wrong is happening.


    I am sorry to hear of the latest developments. The occurrence of the Portal Vein Thrombosis – is this the first time it had shown up on the scan?
    The information on the Internet can be misleading therefore, everything you read and believe is applicable to your husband needs to be discussed with the treating physician.
    I would make a list of questions you would want to have answered.
    For example: what happens when the portal vein become occluded? Is there a possibility for the chemotherapy to be as effective for this issue similar to the pain problem, which has resolved itself?
    Please know that a tidal wave of good wishes is heading your way.


    If possible,can you directly quote the ” impression or summary” section from the CT scan report. You can email me from this web site if privacy is your concern.
    I would like to know is it extrahepatic CCA or Intrahepatic CCA first ,major or partial PVT for the blockage . Lovenox injection or the similar low molecular weight heparin given twice daily is what I believe your husband is on for treatment of PVT. Any bleeding on the various parts of the digestive tract (GI ) system;and any increase in portal vein hypertension(blood pressure). Besides chemotherapy,surgery and radiation oncology are the rest 2 sides of the treatment triangle for treating cancer,therefore options are still available ,
    depending on your husband’s current medical situation and health. I am not a doctor,I am just a patient like your husband.Good luck and
    God bless.


    My husband was diagnosed with CC around the first of the year and has received 3 rounds of chemo. He had a CT two days ago, has been feeling really good and is off all pain meds so we hoped for good results! One Step forward, two back. The CT revealed a portal vein thrombosis. Reading up on it on the internet is devistating. He is on blood thinners which we have to administer through daily injections. But it looks like even that is probably not going to work according to the websites. He went from feeling great to being terribly depressed. Someone enlighten me about PVT, please. What do I expect and do I really want to know? He’ll be 55 in June and will then be eligible to retire. He wonders if he should just give up after that!

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