portal vein thrombosis

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion portal vein thrombosis

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    Anna…my heart goes out to you. Your Mom has gone through so much already. Portal Vein Thrombosis is not an uncommon problem with this cancer. Hope for the anticoagulants to work swiftly.
    Hugs and hang in there.


    I do not have any experience about PVT;
    But I know from what I have read about PVT; the PVT will increase the portal blood pressure due to the obstruction of the blood flow and result in portal hypertension. Symptoms may include hypertensive bleeding ,abdominal pain,GI varices,ascites.
    Anticoagulation did not decrease the risk of bleeding;it decreased the risk for additional thrombotic events in other circulatory areas.
    God bless.


    Has anyone else experienced portal vein thrombosis with CC? Mom is in the ER now. Abdominal pain, n/v, fever. CT scan was done and they found the tumor is wrapping itself round the portal vein. She just completed her last radiation treatment yesterday. unbelievable.
    She can’t get a break. I was wondering if anyone else was treated for this and was it successful???

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