Positive thoughts – my dad is in critical condition after surgeryf

Discussion Board Forums Surgery, Resection & Transplant Treatment Options Positive thoughts – my dad is in critical condition after surgeryf

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    Sorry to hear this news Mauricio. So hoping for the best for your dad and sending a ton of positive thoughts to him.

    We are here for you and thinking of you and your dad.



    Dear Mauricio,

    I am so sorry to hear this. I too am hoping for the best. Such a nice picture of your son with his grandpa. Stay strong.



    Dear Mauricio, I am so sorry to read this latest post of yours! If indeed that is happening and you are there, remember that the hearing is the last to go so you may want to keep telling your Daddy that you love him and if he is “out of it” he will still hear you. Hoping for a miracle as well.


    Thanks all. The pic is of my son and my daddy. 8 days ago. His state worsen last night and the liver function did not improve. The doctors said it’s matter of ours. I’m lost. Praying for a miracle.


    I am sending healing thoughts and lots of prayers your way for your father. Love the picture. Take care and God Bless!


    Hi Mauricio,

    You got it, tons and tons of positive thoughts are heading yours and your dads way from over here. Please let us know how everything goes and know that we are here for you.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,




    More good thoughts and positive vibes for you and your dad.



    Mguaragna…..a tidal wave of good wishes for a quick, consistent recovery. My thoughts are with you.


    Prayers, love and hugs with you and the family. I Hope things turn around fir the better soon.


    Mauricio, LOVE the picture mucho guapo hombres!!!! Prayers flowing to you and your Dad. Be strong and we are all here for you!

    I asked for strength. God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
    I asked for wisdom. God gave me problems to solve.
    I asked for prosperity. God gave me brawn and brain to work.
    I asked for courage. God gave me dangers to overcome.
    I asked for patience. God placed me in situations where I was forced to wait.
    I asked for love. God gave me troubled people to help.
    I asked for favors. God gave me opportunities.
    I received nothing I wanted.
    I received everything I needed. By Aaron Hoopes

    You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have!


    Thanks for the support and prayers. He needs. I just spoke with my dad’s doctor. His hemodynamics improved, but his condition is very very critical because the hepatic function exams came worse. He said his condition is not irreversible, but very critical. The next 24 hours are crucial. His hepatic function has to improve otherwise there is nothing to be done. Thre is some hope. Please keep praying for him.


    Dear Mauricio, welcome to the best place to be for CC support and you and your Dad have gained a whole big family here! Sorry to hear everything happened as it did but the important thing is with these small steps he is getting better. The best part is that he is such a strong man with a great attitude and I can see in your post you must take after him. Wishing Dad a most comfortable recovery and please keep us updated on his progress. Sending you prayers and positive thoughts!


    Dear Mauricio,

    Welcome to our group. I am sorry to hear that your Dad’s surgery was so difficult, but glad to hear that he has started to improve- I hope recovery progresses well and quickly from here on out.

    It sounds like your Dad has a team who knows him and is dedicated to making sure he has a positive outcome. .

    Positive thoughts and prayers are with you and Dad,


    Dear all,

    My dad was diagnosed last Feb with cholangiocarcirnoma. The tumor was around 6 cms and before surgery my dad had to do an embolization to increase the healthy liver and remove the prostate (he had a large prostrate and the doctors would not risk a liver surgery without that surgery).

    His surgery was last Friday (April 17). He is in the ICU in a critical condition. The surgery took 11 hours. They removed more than 70% of the liver and had to reconstruct the ducts (bile ducts, etc). His doctor said that then when they opened him up the tumour was bigger than expected and they just moved on because they debated with my dad what to do in such case, and my dad’s decision would be to risk it. Other methods (e.g. Chemo) would not be efficient in his case.

    He had complications – an infection – and underwent a second surgery on Sunday. Now he is intubated and sedated. Also, they started dialysis because his kidneys shut down. Good news is that his condition was better las night compared to the night’ before. They have replaced the drains and the antibiotics are on board; than it is a waiting game. He needs to fight this infection so his liver can start to function.

    My dad is 67 and he is a colon surgeon here in Porto Alegre, south of Brazil. He is in the university hospital where he did his residency. His former colleague is the head of gastroenterology here at the university hospital, and the son of my dad’s colleague performed the surgery. They are in the transplant team. There is an excellent team taking care of him.

    My dad is a real fighter. That makes a huge difference, and I’m keeping my faith he is going to make it.

    Please, send him positive thoughts. He needs those.


    Mauricio Guragna ( son of Luiz Antonio Machado Guaragna)

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