Possible reoccurrence

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    Daisy, I am sorry that competition between different hospital systems is slowing your process of making a plan. I was diagnosed in one major hospital network, and the doctor that performed my ERCP referred me to a surgeon in the other major hospital system than his own, citing this doctor as “the best” , all the cd’s of my ultrasounds, and medical record could not be read by the other hospitals computers, requiring duplication of all tests, however it all went quickly once the plan was made. good luck, Pat


    Daisy so sorry to read this on both counts! I an sure if Dr. Abou would be very upset if he knew that was said to you! I can’t say anything about chemo or radiation after resection as Teddy was not a candidate for that because of location of his CC. They did however, perform Cyber Knife. Best of luck but I would try to talk to Dr. Abou and also send the MRI and Reports to him as well.


    Wow! can’t believe the attitude. Most welcome 2nd opinions and in this case where she is in Florida it makes even more sense. Can’t help with your questions but I’m sure others will be chiming in soon to help you out on this. Wishing the best for your mom.



    Daisy……I would make sure to send both, the CT report as well as the MRI report to your Mom’s surgeon for review.


    My mother had an MRI instead of her usual CT SCAN and they spotted a lesion and lymph nodes look suspicious as well. They will be doing an endoscopy Monday and a biopsy will be done at that time. We are pretty certain we know it’s back.
    My question is has anybody after a resection have a similar reoccurrence and if so were they treated with chemo or radiation? Also the doctor MRI was done at Moffitt and our inc at Sloan said he could not weigh in on it because he has to do his own scan…they are not to open to working with other doctors. My mother is a snow bird so they do need to have a doctor in Fl as well as CT. the onc assistant at Sloan said if were so happy with our care at Moffitt why would we need Dr. Abou to weigh in on the scan? I am shocked that, that was her response.

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