Post op question

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Post op question


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    I had resection surgery in June.  Still have quite a bit of tightness and discomfort around the incision area.  Even some numbness.  I assume they had to cut through a nerve, or 2.  I do have some off and on pain just below my right rib cage.  Still have fluid buildup in my abdominal area.  I’ve been on Xeloda since September.  It caused abdominal bloating and discomfort.  Hang in there, it sounds like your husband is a strong guy, so he should handle the chemo pretty well.  Keep us posted and best wishes.


    Hi Rmbryant96,

    Welcome to our community!  Your husband was very lucky to have resection surgery so quickly after diagnosis.

    Resection is a very major surgery, and patients can feel the impact of the surgery for quite a long time even after recovering and after the incision heals.  In the immediate weeks, the liver regrows which may produce some sensations.  It is common to feel twinges, tightness and other small effects months and even years after.  This is because the surgery can leave some small scarring and adhesions, and the GI tract has been rearranged a bit.  I am now five years past resection, and I still feel twinges from time to time.  In my case, it took about 6-7 weeks after surgery to feel mostly back to normal.  At three weeks past, I was still feeling discomfort and fatigue from the surgery.

    If the tightness is painful, worsening and/or significantly affects your husband’s activity, this should be raised with the doctor, to be sure nothing more concerning is afoot.

    I wish your husband a tranquil recovery.  Please take a look at the caregiver resources on the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation website.

    Take care, happy holidays!  Mary




    Hello.  New caregiver here. My husband was diagnosed in 3 Dec and had his resection surgery 7 Dec.  He is a very healthy 46 year old.  Like many of you this diagnosis was completely out of the blue and devastating.  We live in the Atlanta area with our six kids 6-21.  My husband is an Air Force vet.  He is three weeks post op and starts chemo 8 Jan.  He is still experiencing stiffness under his right rib cage.  It makes nervous that surgery did not help.  Anyone know how long the stiffness lasts?

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