Posting my husbands battle with CC as there is HOPE!

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Posting my husbands battle with CC as there is HOPE!

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    Hi Deanna,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but I’m glad that you have joined in with us all as you have come to the right place for support and help, and you will get tons of that here. Thank you so much for sharing George’s experiences. Wow, that sure is a lot that you both have been through in such a short time!

    I am so glad to hear that your husband was able to have this surgery, and from what you have said it sounds like he is making a great recovery from it. Long may that continue, and as you say, he is a cancer survivor.

    Thank you once again for sharing your story with us, I know that it will be helpful to many. I do hope that you will keep coming back here and I look forward to hearing more from you. Please, if you have any questions then ask away and we will do what we can to help in answering them.

    My best wishes to you and George,



    Hi. My name is Deanna and I needed to find a place where i could write about what we are going through as well as get information and feedback as we travel this journey together. We live just outside of Toronto, Canada. And so it began.

    On December 7th of 2010 my husband, George, and I went to the walk in clinic as my husband was complaining of itchiness, dark urine and clay coloured stools. Thinking it may be a gallstone, off we went. The doctor there said that as he needed an ultrasound to diagnose that, gave him a note and sent us to ER. The doctor there also felt is was just a gallstone and ordered an ultrasound. After the normal few hours in the ER they took us to a private room and told us they had found a tumour and that they were very sorry. They told us to go see this surgeon the next morning and that was that. The surgeon sent him for an MRI and asked us back on Dec 23 for results. The MRI showed that he had a tumour that had spread to his lymph nodes and was Stage 4 – nothing could be done but they would arrange for palliative care. Stunned would have been an understatement – we don’t remember christmas last year. We got a call after Christmas from Sunnybrook Cancer Centre with an appt to see Dr. Sherif Hanna on Jan 4, 2011. We thought he was an oncologist who would set up palliative chemo but when he sat down with us he said he look at the MRI

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