Potassium levels very, very low

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    Yes mam’…he drove all by his lonesome….he tried to get in touch with his parents, but you know that story…and I told him I would get the rest of the day off…but he refused…of course…he wanted to do it himself! One thing for sure….and his sister has said the same thing…Lee hasn’t lost his determination, stubborness and need to be right at all times! He is at JCL Deer Valley…he will be home tomorrow after they set his chemo pump up for the weekend…he says he feels real good….and not to worry…so with that…I smell corndogs cookin’ in the kitchen…and a little one who wants to watch Hannah Montana!



    Hi Heather & Em: So sorry about the potassium level. OMG! Did Lee come here driving by himself? What hospital did he go to? And yes not just the patient has cancer, so to speak. It redefines ones whole life and those around. Roller Coaster is right. Hang in kid, you need to stay strong for Em.


    Lee called me at work this morning with news that his bloodwork came back from yesterday at the oncologist. “Get to the hospital as quickly as you can”…they told him….your potassium level is so low, it puts you at extreme risk for heartattack….they actually told him to call the ambulance….but because we don’t use the local hospital, he said he would just drive himself…so now, for tonight they will iv him with potassium and keep an eye on him…the worst part is when I told Emilee…she burst into tears…which is something she rarely does…at that moment I don’t think I’ve used so many naughty words in my mind at once cursing this disease and how it destroys not only the patient, but those all around as well…Lee isn’t the only one with cancer, we all have it…and to my utter dismay, so does Em…needless to say…she bounced right back and is playing with a friend right now…oh the wonderful rollercoaster ride this cancer puts us on…I thought rollercoasters were supposed to be fun!!! UUUUGGGHHH!!!


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