Professor Lodge

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  • #44628

    Hi Andrea,

    Am happy to hear that you have the app with Prof Lodge arranged and also that you both have accomodation sorted out at the hospital. I so hope that it all goes well and that your dad gets some news here. And I hope the snows stays away as well!

    Best wishes to you and your dad,



    Jennifer, you are the winter’s winner living in Calgary. I have one word to say about that. BRRRRR!


    So glad it’s all falling into place for you with this visit. You’ll be better at the hospital, there’s a coffee bar, restaurant and shop etc. I hope he can suggest some sort of treatment for your dad. My dad’s original whipple was cancelled because of the snow (among other things) and he had to wait a week. Because his stent had been in since December his bilirubin had fallen (although I’m fairly sure it wasn’t below the range for chemo). I don’t think it always prevents surgery, but obviously other health issues might. Another one of those things the experts don’t agree on.

    My dad had had some mild kidney issues before his surgery which they did check out, but was fine. Blood pressure is now a problem for surgery I don’t think, assuming it’s controlled.

    REALLY hoping for some ideas from Prof Lodge. He’s the best! If you happen to run into Mr Menon or Mr Smith tell them I love them.

    -41 degrees c?!! I was outside Bradford Town Hall today with school waiting for prince charles to arrive and was moaning a bucketload that I couldn’t feel my toes. I feel a bit foolish now.


    It’s great that they have accomodations for you! You are right – it will probably be easier for your Dad, and he will be RIGHT where he needs to be. I am really hoping for great news for you on Monday Andrea!!

    As for the cold, I don’t know how I survive it myself some years. I need to win the lottery so we can move somewhere warm for the winter… and to think it’s only just begun… YUCK!

    JenniferS wrote:
    This should make you feel better about the weather – when I came to work this morning my thermometer read -28 celcius…. with the windchill (it gets so cold and windy that they actually CHANGE the temperature to factor it in), it’s -41 here today. I don’t think my feet will ever be warm again….

    OMG I would never survive that!! It’s not even a minus here and I’m freezing. I will never moan about our weather again!!

    There is room at the hospital hotel for me, so we will staying in the hospital accomodation, the apartment looked so nice but Dad will be better actually being in the hospital, just incase it does snow!


    That’s wonderful Andrea – so glad to hear he will be seen so soon! I will be thinking and praying for you all on Monday!!

    This should make you feel better about the weather – when I came to work this morning my thermometer read -28 celcius…. with the windchill (it gets so cold and windy that they actually CHANGE the temperature to factor it in), it’s -41 here today. I don’t think my feet will ever be warm again….


    That’s great news Andrea. I am so pleased that you have got this sorted and either accommodation sounds good.
    I will keep my fingers crossed for the weather but I am imagining that your son will be hoping that it does snow !

    I am pleased also that it has made a difference to your Dad’s emotional, and therefore also physical state as well.

    best wishes and hugs



    Thanks Andrea, unfortunately, I’ll be the one arriving at Manchester airport in my sandals……!!!

    Katie :)


    Wishing you the best of luck on Monday – I’ll be thinking of you! And be careful with the possibly bad weather!


    Thanks Katie,

    It will be a big shock weather wise!!! wishing you a safe journey back, hope you’ve got your winter warmers ready!



    Good Luck with your Dad’s referral to Leeds Andie. Hope he maybe can suggest alternative routes for you. Fingers crossed for no snow. I am due back from Florida on Thursday, think it’s going to be a shock weather wise!!!



    We are taking Dad to see Professor Lodge at Leeds Monday at 9.30!! Just waiting to see if they have got 2 rooms at the hospital hotel free for sunday night. If not i’ve found a lovely aparthotel 10 mins away. Dad seems to have perked up, even had a round of bread with his soup.

    It has forcasted snow for Leeds the weekend, hope it’s not much, or better still hope they’ve got the weather wrong.

    Will be strange not taking my son to school and being away frm him for the night but hopefully we will get good news and it will all be worth it.

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