Proton Beam Therapy

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  • #84552

    Thanks for the information Samuel and good luck to you and your wife!!


    You might want to call MGH in Boston and speak to Dr.Hong and yes they do place a olodurm shield to protect any vital organs from collateral damage.

    Good Luck in your decision.


    In response to proton beam radiation. My wife went through that as a clinical trial at MGH in Boston a year ago due to the tumor on her liver that was unresectable. They were able to actually kill the tumor to the point that it was dead tissue. After her six month visit and follow up scan it was found to metastasis to the lung area and just recently to the brain. Currently undergoing radiation to the brain and we will address the lung area at a later date. Asked if the proton radiation caused the metastasis and we were told that it was unlikely due to both the chemo prior and the proton radiation. Also prior to proton radiation we considered Sloan’s treatment which was a direct chemo to the tumor fed through an intravenous and pump which was a indefinite treatment but decided proton was best for her.

    So the fight goes on in hopes that another clinical trial comes along soon.


    Thanks guys! I’ll let you know what we find out, and share any experiences if he’s approved.


    here is a bit more information on proton therapy
    Not sure whether a spacer will be inserted (it protects the nearby organ(s) but you will find out at the upcoming meeting.
    Another link leads to postings mentioning proton therapy. Although it includes your posting as well, it may be worth perusing the information from others:

    Good luck and please keep us posted.


    No personal experiences to share with you but here’s a link that may be of interest to you.

    I too hope that your dad is a candidate for this treatment and I know that he is in very good hands with Dr Javle. Please let us know how everything goes with this.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    I didn’t have proton beam, but I had SBRT, which I think may be really close? Targeted pinpoints of radiation aimed at specific cancerous areas… I had no problems with SBRT. They said it might make you tired, and skin might get dry in areas, but it was minimal or nothing.
    I just read a bit on it, and it sounds exciting and encouraging. I hope he is a candidate. You will have to let us know how it goes.


    My dad is going to MD Anderson, and Dr. Javle is his oncologist. He got good news during his last restaging … the tumor shrunk. During that visit it was suggested that he might be a good candidate for Proton Beam Therapy. We’ll meet with that group during our next visit. My question is does anyone have any experience with Proton Beam Therapy? If so, can you share your experiences?

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