PTC/biliary catheter placement

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    Lee –
    My husband had a external catheter placement done about 5 days prior to his surgery so they could get his bilirubin down before surgery. He really had no issues with it although I know there are those that do. If they instruct you to flush it then make sure you get a prescription for prefilled syringes or they give you a bunch….it can be difficult to get those. Also keep a dressing around the insertion site so that if it leaks you can keep his skin intact….the bile will break down the skin. My husband’s stopped draining at one point so they went in and change the catheter. It wasn’t clogged things were just working better so they capped it and left it for a month.
    I know there are those that have difficulty with it leaking around the catheter so it doesn’t flow into the bag and gets on the skin. This seems to just happen and I have never been able to say who it would happen to or not. Sometimes they do plug too which they can unplug and put in a bigger catheter. For my husband it did not seem to be painful just annoying.
    Hope this helps and hope the catheter helps with the jaundice.



    I wanted to update on my husband. He has had 5 ERCPs (stent placement) done during the past 9 weeks. His jaundice was resolved temporarily, but then went back up after about a week of each procedure. He is now scheduled for PTC/biliary catheter placement by an interventional radiologist. I would greatly appreciate if some of you could share some insight/experience.


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