Pushing forward and being Positive

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Pushing forward and being Positive

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    Can’t help with the Y 90 but want to welcome you and let you know that you have found the most wonderful, supportive people and the best place to come to when dealing with CC. Hope all goes well for you and know we are all here to help in any way that we can. Good luck to you on your journey.

    Love & Hugs,


    My sister had y-90 with mixed success. Very few side effects. They did both sides of liver at same time (sometimes they do only half at a time). My sister had A little shrinkage of her tumors. Skill of interventional radiologist is important. Fatigue and a little pain as the tumors get inflamed when they’re radiated. Afterward, Sometimes they can’t tell if the tumor is totally dead afterward until they do surgery. It may still appear in ct scan but cells can be dead. A ten own Dr told me and Percy recently that a PET scan might show false positive metabolic activity in an area after y-90 so they don’t use that to evaluate. Anyhow, in my sisters case, they couldn’t treat the microscopic mets with y-90 so those were the problem later.
    Wishing you all the best as you go forward with your treatment.


    I have a dear friend who had a very successful Y90 treatment. She also speaks about her success with Y90. I would be happy to put you in contact with her.
    Call me if you would like to talk.


    Dear Kim, I so agree with you. We do have some who have had the Y90 and if you type in Y90 in our search button any posts on it will appear. Very wise to have have gotten a 2nd opinion from JH and 40& ‘aint’ bad! Please keep us posted as we truly care!


    I appreciate the warm welcomes. Thank you so much. Lainy to answer your question I am being treated at the Hershey Medical Center. I did go to Johns Hopkins for a second opinion and they pretty much told me that Hershey was on the best route.

    I would love to hear more from anyone that have had the Y90. How successful it was or wasn’t. I was told there was about a 40% chance it may shrink a bit. I still like those odds! I was also told there are no side effects as well. Plus I couldnt have chemo two weeks before or two weeks after. Gotta tell you I am liking the sound of this already! lol.


    Hi Kim,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here but glad that you’ve joined in with us as you’re in the best place for support and help and I know you’re going to get a load of each from everyone here. Thanks for sharing what you are going through and will be going through in the future as well.

    Yes this is a tough road and you are so right that a positive attitude will help so much with everything that comes at you. And of course here, you are among those who know what that road is like and what you are going through. That’s great that your largest tumour has shrunk by a cm and am hoping that shrinkage continues for that one and for the rest of them too. Good luck with the Y-90, we have members experienced with that treatment and I’m sure they’ll be along soon to share with you about it.

    Please keep coming back here and know that we are here for you always. Please keep us updated on how everything goes as well and if we can help then please just ask and we’ll do our best for you.

    My best wishes to you,



    Kim…I too would like to welcome you to our site and add to Lainy’s welcome words.
    All those touched by this cancer are dear to our hearts. Therefore, as much as we would wish to meet under different circumstances, we are thrilled to find each other nevertheless. You are so correct in your statement that there are not many of those familiar with this cancer hence, our group takes on a very special meaning for all.
    Please do not hesitate from sharing your thoughts, experiences, and advise. We are here to listen and to cheer you on.


    Dear Kim, welcome to our remarkable family and I glad you found us as there is no other site like this one. Sounds like you have already had a journey on our infamous roller coaster and hope that you are now on an upswing. You are so right about being positive as attitude is everything and yours is wonderful. May I ask where you are being treated? You will find the kindest, caring, and knowledgeable family here. Please keep us posted on your progress as we truly care.


    Hello Everyone! I’m 43 years old and was diagnosed on 10/22/13 with having 5 tumors on my liver. The largest being 10.6cm X 8.5cm. After all the tests I started chemo the day before Thanksgiving. Each round consists of once a week two weeks in a row then a week off. The chemo I am on is Cisplatin and Gemcitabine. At first it was really rough. Ended in the hospital. After lowering my dosages things have gotten easier. Even gotten news earlier this month that the largest shrunk by a cm. I have the mapping prep work for the Y90 next week then the actual radiation treatment next month. I am hopeful for the best. Its a tough road but I truely believe a positive goes a long way. I’ve done research on foods to eat and there seem to be quite a few that could possibly help. They are all healthy so lets face it Kale is always going to be better then a piece of chocolate cake. lol. I’m certainly not an expert or doctor but i know i will being having chemo for quite awhile. If anyone has questions I will be happy to answer them. Ive had blood and platelette transfusions, neupogen shot etc. I’ve learned a few things from other cancer patients on some helpful hints on how to deal with certain things. I like to help where I can. I was glad to find this site and find others that are going through the same thing. This cancer isnt one of the top five cancers so its hard to find more information on it and support groups.

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