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  • #73037

    Great. Thanks for the advice Lainy, Linda and Marion. He seems to be less confused now. But, his hospice nurse is coming by to check on him first thing tomorrow morning.


    Shellina….additionally here are a few links pertaining to high ammonia levels:
    Please keep us posted, dear Shellina.


    Hello Shellina. I’m so sorry you are going through such a difficult time. When my husband was in the hospital following liver surgery, he experienced delirium because of high amonia levels resulting from poor liver functioning. It was very frightening to see him so confused and delusional but they were able to give him medication to keep him calmer.


    Shellina, I am not a Doctor but it could be pain Meds if he is on them or his Amonia levels could be too high. I would call the ONC and he may want him to get some LABs done. Def. call the ONC or Hospice and let them know. Please let us know the outcome. Is he eating ok?


    My husband was diagnosed last December with ICC. He chose to not have treatment based on his experience with his father’s pancreatic cancer a few years ago. It was his choice and I fully support his decision. He has done well for the past couple of months. We do have hospice coming in once a week to help with pain meds and his biliary drain. My question is that he seems to be very tired all of the sudden. He slept nearly 24 hours a day for 3 days straight. Last night he was up all night and was out watering the yard at 3:00 am and throwing trash away. These are chores he has not done in months because he cannot do much lifting due to the external drain. He seems to be somewhat confused. Has anyone else had experience like this? I am worried about him.

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