question about chemo

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    Watchful waiting is actually the standard of care, but most people and doctors seem to agree that doing something else is important – especially if there are suspicious areas like the lymph node. If he gets Xeloda, my dad seems to be doing quite well on it; it may also be gemcitabine with or without an extra.

    Congratulations on the successful surgery – hoping your dad continues to recover well.


    I would think chemo, but all doctors have different approaches and ideas. They also might use radiation.

    Let us know how it goes.



    Dad has recovered quite well from the surgery. He’s still low on energy, but does have some appetite back and has gained 10 lbs. Now it’s on to Phase II apparently. He meets with Dr. House at IU Med Center on Tuesday to discuss the findings of the pathology reports obtained during surgery. Dr. House was very pleased with how the resection went, but there was a bit of suspicious matter found in one of the lymph nodes that was removed. 19 were clean, one was sketchy. Does anyone have any idea what way that may make further treatment go? Chemo for sure, just to make sure? Watchful waiting? If chemo, then how intense is that? There was also a small spot on his spine that showed up on a post-op CT scan. Anybody have experience with that?

    Thank you all for this wonderful site and any input is greatly appreciated.


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