Question for Marion

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Question for Marion

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    We are counting on things to be fine for Teddy following his treatments in December. How wonderful of him wanting to share his experience and thereby giving hope to others. You might want to contact the local chapter of the National Cancer Institute. This may lead you to suppport groups being held in the area or, some other functions where someone like Teddy with his great attitude and success would be a welcome addition. Other then that I would love to see a billboard with his smiling face and yours, of course.
    Others may also have some suggestions which would be so very welcome.


    Hello. We are assuming that Teddy is going to be fine after December (according to his docs) and after the 1st of the year he would like to visit Cancer patients somewhere and talk to them. He is so good with people. He would give like a day a week. We just don’t know how to get started. Like Should he go where they are having chemo or should he stick to CC patients of which there are not many here or just start at the hospital we go to. We need a little steer in the right direction. I think he could give people a whole lot of hope. Thanks for any advise.

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