Question for Rick Kamp

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    I do have cancer to the peritoneum. Mine is mostly in the area of the omentum. Originally there was a little bit of ascites, but after chemotherapy started the ascites has completely resolved. I’m happy to resort that the peritoneal cancers appears to have regressed – although there is no easy way to confirm this. Usually chemo is the best way to deal with ascites. Beyond that diuretics have been known to help and a draining/parecentisis is usually the last line of treatment.

    I can’t speak to the blood clots, but wish you the best of luck with that!

    Keep up the hope. I know it can be frustrating at times. There was a point that I thought I was going to pass very quickly (sometimes I still have these pitty parties) but I guess I am doing on physically.

    Best of luck you to you.



    Hi Rick –

    I just talked to my dad’s oncologist and he suspects the cc has spread to my dad’s peritoneum or liver. Evidently there is fluid and a subtle enhancement that the Onc suspects is cancer. My dad has been complaining of stomach and back pain. The onc mentioned ascities too.

    My dad was admitted to the hospital last night because he has 3 big blood clots and his left arm swelled up really bad. They are draining the fluid around his stomach today and discharging him later tonight. Mymom will have to give my dad shots to deal with the clots. We have an appointment with his onc on Thursday where they will review the results of the MRI in more detail and go over the biopsy results.

    What have you been told about the cancer in your peritoneum?

    Do you have to have your stomach drained at all? How often?

    Any recommendations?

    I am going to my dad’s appointment this Thursday and I am very upset already about what I will likely be told.

    I am sending a hug your way. Take care.


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