Question on AST/ALT and ammonia levels

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Question on AST/ALT and ammonia levels

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    Well, the day we got his blood taken, he was feeling very out of it and and actually considered going to the emergency room with me. But as we spent more time together, he said he started to feel better and in fact he grocery shopped and we ate lunch together. So I knew it was a good idea to have his blood taken on a day when he felt awful, but since then he has been feeling pretty good. So I am just confused as to why the ammonia may go up and down like it does. I called his oncologist today but he didn’t return my call. It’s been a challenge making sure these doc’s get the blood work results and review them but I am all over them. :) I guess we will know more on Weds. Just FYI, his bilirubin was 1.7 last week, no exorbitantly high, but over the limit. But his CA 19-9 was 294, ammonia 180, and the AST and ALT were 367 and 228, so all very high. It’s just weird that one week prior his AST and ALT were 20 and 16. Still trying to understand it all. Thank you, Marion for your feedback. Roe


    Rosie….The MRI coupled with the blood test results will allow the physicians to accurately describe the present situation. Certainly, the elevated levels in the blood appear to be indicative of something brewing. You should know much more on Wednesday. Is your Dad feeling as well today as he had last week or, the prior week?
    Best wishes,


    Hi All – My Dad was diagnosed with CC on 12/15/09. He had an embolization done on 3/1/10, they were not able to administer chemo during the embo due to apparently his rare anatomy. On 3/10/10 his AST, ALT, CA19-9 and Ammonia levels were normal. Then last week we had his blood tested again and all 4 were off the charts, including his bilirubin levels. We will be having an MRI this Weds to see how well the embo did in terms of shrinking the tumor, etc., but I am curious what you all think this means that these levels are back up. I want to arm ourselves with some knowledge before the appointment, obviously I don’t think this is good. Generally my dad is feeling fairly well, living independently, eating, and not constipated, but the blood work to me indicates a bad turn. Any thoughts? Thank you. Rosanne

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