questions on ascites

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    I am so sorry. Fear and frustration are so very difficult to deal with.
    There really is not much you can do at this time other then wait for the doctor’s report. So, hang in there, little princess, take a deep breath, try to relax and wish for only good things to come your way.
    I will do the same. Please, continue to share with us. We are in this together.
    Hugs, fingers crossed, and all my best wishes,


    Base on the info. you provided,the age factor 55 is on your dad’s side. However, I do not think liver transplant is an option anymore (based on Mayo’s criteria). Resection or surgery may not be choices either because of the lymph node involvement,but you can ask the doctors during 2nd opinions on surgical consult.

    Liver cirrhosis will not exclude or prevent your dad to have chemotherapy like GEM/CIS;but GEMOX is a better choice due to less side effects on the kidney and hepatic toxicity.. Molecularly targeted drugs like sorafenib is another choices.But the preexisted health condition of your father will complicate the treatment (ie: cirrhosis patient makes it more difficult to clear drugs like sorafenib and other drugs like Xeloda due to hepatic metabolism..)

    In addition, liver decompansation do occur in in chronic cirrhosis patients who have the disease for a long time and ascites is a problem as well as portal hypertension due to the back up of fluids in the lymphatic system.

    Therefore acsites should be treated as well.
    God bless.


    hi marions , thanx for ur support , but there still 6 hours till the appointment , I am so frustrated and afraid . I don’t know what to do if the doctor said there is no chemo ( this is expected ) . I love my dad very much he doesn’t know everything about his case and he thinks that he is cured after RFA , we want to give him every chance .


    hi dr.princess (cute name)….I am sorry to hear of your Dad’s problems. With the information given I am not able to respond, but the time you will receive this message most likely you’r Dad will be meeting with the physician. Please, come back to us after the visit. I am sure that you will have more information to share with us and gladly I we will try to help you with your questions.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi PCL1029 , I’m really sad for my father i don’t know what to do , I’m sorry for u too .
    my dad diagnosed 3 weeks ago , first he had an abdominal pain in the upper right area and enlarged left supraclavicular lymph node , first we suspected HCC as he had chronic liver disease ( cirrhosis ) , after CT Scan there was focal lesion in left hepatic lobe 2.9 cm and the biliary radicles were free .. my dad 55 years old and he was supposed to do valve replacement for aortic stenosis ( but the doctor had to delay it ) .. the diagnosis was confirmed by excisional biopsy to left supraclvicular lymph node and immunophenotyping ( CK 7 +VE , CK 20 -VE , CEA +VE , CA 19-9 +VE ) .. before RFA liver enzymes and albumin were within normal levels ( compansated ) but suddenly he developed ascites but he did RFA and he supposed to start chemo but my brother says the liver become decompansated !! this is very complicated :((
    I don’t know why I suspect the diagnosis although every thing against this , but this is my feeling :(( .. also after long search I found only one article that one unique case of cholangiocarcinoma has metastized to LT supraclavicular LN , It’ very rare !!


    Please if,you can ,tell me when your dad was diagnosis?and where is the tumor located? And how many spots? Did he got the RFA done or still in question?
    Did you dad also has cirrhosis in addition to cholangiocarcinoma?
    How old is your dad and his current health condition ?I will check back in tonite and will answer your question .BTW, where you dad got treatment?
    I am only a patient like your dad and not a doctor.
    God bless.


    Hello DR.PRINCESS and I just wanted to welcome you to our wonderful family. Sorry you had to find us. I can’t help with your question but I know someone will be along shortly who can be of help. Good luck tomorrow at the ONC and please keep us posted, we care.


    Hello everyone , I am new member here , my father just diagnosed with peripheral intrahepatic CC , I have a question about Ascites
    My dad has developed ascites before RFA , the doctor said that because of portal hypertension … we have an appointment with the oncologist tomorrow , I am afraid that he could say that my dad contraindicated with chemotherapy because of liver cirrhosis , any idea about that ????

    God bless u all :)


    After reading 3 reports about ascites, there are only a few studies suggested aimed at reducing ascites formation.

    In patients in whom the cause of ascites CANNOT be found,some suggest a high protein and low fat diet with medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). Patient who do not respond to the above measures ofter need to be treated with PARACENTESIS as marion suggested- literature review version 18.3 Sept,2010.
    Skeletal and/or neuromuscular weakness side effect of Taxotere is 53-66%.
    God bless.


    Bob…..our bodies are comprised of protein so it makes sense to increase the intake.
    My bigger concern though is the swelling in the abdomen and the pain Sheila is experiencing and for that I would speak with the physician immediately.
    There is a procedure called paracentesis which can be used to remove fluid that has accumulated in the abdominal cavity (peritoneal fluid) for a condition called ascites.
    As Lainy has mentioned the search function will lead you to numerous discussions on this subject. You will notice that this is not an uncommon condition for CC patients and that the majority of patients benefit from this treatment.
    Please, make that call to the physician.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi Bob, well, it’s kind of a good new/uncomfortable news report but we love the good news. If you go to our search button at the top of the page and type in either acites or protein or bith many posts will appear on the subject and hopefully give you some help in that department. I am wishing for some more good news on Sheila’s next report.


    Hi Bob,

    My doctors have always wanted to me eat as much protein as possible. I don’t remember anything being said about protein helping with ascites. Lasix worked best for me.



    Sheila saw the doctor yesterday after a cat scan blood and afp tests. The good news is she has only moderate progression of the numerous tumors in her liver. I just posted last week about her severe swelling in her abdomen, legs, and feet. The scan showed she has fluid buildup everywhere, even in her lungs. Because her liver functions were only slightly elevated the oncologist suggested we continue with the Taxol treatment, do some dieuretics and begin eating some crazy amounts of protein to help with the ascites. My question is: has anyone had any success fighting ascites with increasing the protein in your diet? Sheila’s protein was very low so we are hoping for the best. The taxol seems to be working.. with the afp down from 2700 to 2400 (At one point it was up to 20000 about 6 months ago) but the fluid buildup especially with the extremely swollen abomen really gives Sheila discomfort and pain. Any info on the protein question would be helpful. Thanks to everyone. Bob

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