Questions to ask Oncologist

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    Megan……sorry I came late to the post and missed sharing this with you prior to the appointment.
    Perhaps you addressed everything with the oncologist,but may find some of the information useful for a future visit:
    How did it go, yesterday?


    OOPS. Sorry, Should have reread your first post. Let me try to remember what we asked after Teddy’s Whipple. I would think the basic thing would be what kind of follow up care and treatment the ONC would advise. I remember that the first 2 years were spent with Scans every 3 months. This was 10 years ago and they said no chemo at that time as he had clear margins. Guess there are 2 schools of thought on that even now. To chemo or not is one of the biggest questions, always. You might ask what could happen with chemo vs without chemo. This is hard as so many things have changed in 10 year, thank goodness. You might go to our search engine above and type in ‘questions for ONC’. Perhaps you can find some ideas there.


    Thanks, Lainy,

    Already had the surgery. My dh is 12 days post-whipple, T3, N1, M0. Stage 2b, clear margins.

    This is only the first of 3 scheduled oncology visits, I’m just not sure what to ask. Actually, I have 8,000 questions, but I want to only ask the smart ones :D

    The problem right now is…we don’t know what we don’t know. Ya know?



    Megan, you posted just right! I don’t think we encountered it until we heard what the ONC had to say. Suggestion: Take notes so you can recap and from the notes may think of questions for the next time. What you want is the norm. Like, Treatment suggestions, will surgery be an option. Please let us know how it goes. Best of luck!


    We have our first meeting with an oncologist tomorrow and want to make sure we have intelligent questions lined up before his visit.

    We have a few general questions lined up, but are interested in questions we wouldn’t think to ask.

    Are there any questions you didn’t think to ask but wish you had before starting treatment?

    I hope I haven’t posted this in the wrong place. Sorry, we’re new!

    Best and thanks,

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