Radiation yes/no

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  • #11078

    Never know exactly where to post…sorry to keep posting new topics.
    My mother met with onc today in Tampa. It’s been a year and a half since her resection and a year since chemo was completed. She has had a reoccurrence. A 1 1/2 cm lesion in her liver and 3 nodes involved. The onc said that radiation can not be done because the biopsy of the nose showed it is outside the liver near the pancreas??? He said radiation was futile and said getting rid of the nodes effected was cherry picking. He wants to put her on gem/Oxi. Looking for thoughts on why no radiation??

    When my mother asked was it worth it that she even had the surgery he said that it was a highly debatable topic…I said how could you debate she had a great year… No chemo, went on a cruise a happy healthy year?? Can anyone help me understand how removing a 7cm tumor was of no value. He did mention that doing so gave you hope and now what?? He said chemo is effective 25-30 % of the time?? Also said that the gnome testing is a waste because you can’t do anything with the information….unless there is a trial there is nothing approved that he could prescribe?? Thoughts please

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