Radiological Embolisation

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Radiological Embolisation

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    A Daughter’s Wish, I cannot help you with your query but just wanted to let you know how bad I feel about your Dad. Like it’s not enough to have one bad thing he has to have more! I know someone or ones will be along and maybe can help you more. Please keep us updated and Be Strong!


    Hi Everyone, so my dad was supposed to have surgery to remove the left lobe of his liver where about 95-98% of the tumor is. Unfortunately he did not get cardiac clearance from his cardiologist so we can’t do surgery. A portion of his heart was not receiving enough blood so they had 2 stents placed and he is now on blood thinners which is why surgery had to be postponed at least for the next 4 – 6 months. His doctors are now suggesting radiological embolization in the mean time so he doesn’t spend the next 6 months not doing anything. Has anyone had any experience with this and can provide me with more information? I know there is a risk of the radioactive medicine going into “non-targeted areas” and a risk of liver failure. Thank you!!

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