Random excruciating pain…anyone else experience?

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  • #52470

    Where was the pain located?


    Hi All-
    My mom (age 57, stage IV inoperable CC) had chemo embolization done on July 27th which we just found out, did work…she had tumor necrosis and shrinkage! The next one is scheduled for Sept 28th. She has still been very tired and weak but up until yesterday, has had no pain.

    Last night she was in excruciating pain to the point that she could not even sleep. My father brought her to the hospital here (down the shore for the weekend) and they did a CT scan. They were concerned about a clot in her lung, based on the location of her pain. The CT scan came back clear…no clot or mets in her lungs, and nothing else was seen besides her liver tumors. The doctor thought that maybe the liver swelling caused pain due to pushing other organs, but her liver has been swollen and she has never had pain before.

    Has anyone experienced anything like this? I’m just nervous…I assume they would have seen bone mets if there were any on the CT scan? It just seems odd that she would all of a sudden have pain. Please let me know if anyone has any info.

    Thanks so much,

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