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    That rash is horrible, and it is from the elevated liver enzymes in his blood. I had this in the groin area, on the palms of my hands and my feet. Nothing relieved it, but, talking benedryl can help, along with Sarna , lotion.

    This , along with yellowing eyes, it what took me to my first Dr and my dignosis.

    If he is hospitalized, they do have a powder that is mixed with juice or liquid, that can help.


    My husband developed a rash. The oncologist prescribed a cream for it. I can’t say how effective it was but eventually the rash went away. As Charlea mentioned, we tend to attribute many things to CC but they may or may not be related. Occasionally my husband has itching, which is liver related and we have a different medication for that. It comes and goes for him. Good luck. Susan


    Heat and moisture from being in bed can cause a yeast-like infection…may not be related to the CC. We tend to blame many things on CC when something can be easily treated with regular meds. And then we go the other way, thinking it is something innocent when it is actually the CC causing the problem. More than a year ago, before my diagnosis, I had significant scalp itching which disappeared once I went on chemo. Now the itching is back and I feel increased abdominal distention so I think the CC is activated again. Having a CAT scan Wednesday so we shall see if the scalp itching is related to new growth of the CC.



    My uncle (age 82, just diagnosed last week with inoperable cholangiocarcinoma and a 9 cm mass on his liver) has a rash on his groin area. He had been in the hospital a few days before being diagnosed, so we don’t know if the rash is from being in bed for several days or if it’s from the condition. He also has a distended stomach and is having shortness of breath. The doctor said the stomach and breathing issue is from the bile. Wondering if the rash is also from the bile. Does anyone have experience with this and any suggestions for how to treat it? He’s having his stomach drained tomorrow and we’re looking at having a drain put in after that. Hoping that helps. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thank you.


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