Recent advances in the regulation of cholangiocarcinoma growth

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  • #53294

    Thanks for this article.
    It provided a relatively simple molecular basis for understanding the cholangiocarcinoma disease , what molecular factors affected the development of CC ;how CC is formed and how it migrated to different sites( ie: the possible reason for recurring at different sites after resection). and the use molecularly targeted agents-such as Avastin and sorafenib to treat CC more precisely than the traditional chemotherapy.
    If you like biology and physiology and want to know about this disease ,you may like to read it;it helps me in understanding how CC starts on the molecular level ;hopefully one day the” light bulb” in my head will go off and find some solution to extend the life of myself and others.
    Good job,Gavin.
    God bless.


    From 2010 but still worth a read IMO.

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