recently diagnosed

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    dgs…welcome to our site. I am wondering – is your husband is keeping down any fluid? I am also wondering whether he is able to digest his medications.
    I would make a call to the physician, first thing in the morning. It is likely that he needs to be hydrated at the local hospital, clinic, or oncologist’s office. Either way, he needs the attention of his doctor.
    You would want the physician to explain to you the cause of your husband’s current problem and what he/she recommends to ease the vomiting.
    This disease is unpredictable and requires close contact with the treating doctor.
    I am glad that you reached out to us because; we understand and we care.
    Please keep us posted.
    Hugs and love,


    Dear DGS, welcome to our courageous and caring family. I am sorry to hear about your husband and want to say if he is vomiting bile he needs to be seen ASAP! It is good news that the CC has not grown. There are many good RX for vomiting but the Doctor needs to know especially if it is bile. Perhaps it would be best if he ate small amounts of food but more often. When my husband didn’t feel like eating I used Carnation Instant breakfast, vanilla blended with a banana. This can take the place of a whole meal with all the nutrients. Where is he being treated? I am most anxious to hear what the Doctor says.


    My husband was diagnosed w/cc in Sept 2011 – stage 4. He is going through chemo and the last CT scan 2 wks ago showed that the cancer is the same as in Sept (no larger). My concern is he is always vomiting bile which puts his meds late and he cannot eat. What can I do for him? He has gotten so thin.

    We also had a horrible experience at the first center we went to w/one of the main drs. I called the GI dr that diagnosed the cancer and told him he needed to recommend a dr that would take my husband’s care seriously and be kind, no one w/an ego. We now have a wonderful dr.

    Anyway, if someone has any suggestions for me to assist my husband with this vomiting bile problem I would really appreciate it.

    Thank you!

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