Recently diagnosed intrahepatic cc

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Recently diagnosed intrahepatic cc

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    Hi, Burnburn,
    thanks for your info.
    that Gemzar+Xeloda+Avastin is a good protocol and effective and relatively less side effects except you have to watch the cardiovascular and GI system. You are in good hands with Dr.SAAB.
    Hope your wife can tolerate the side effects ;the avastin is especially good for abdominal and other metastasis .
    God bless.


    Hi Chris,
    If you want a second opinion on treatment, I suggest you call Dr. Pelley, of the the Cleveland Clinic Cancer center. I had a consult with him after my resection surgery in 2009. I have been a patient at the Clinic for the past 3 years. I have a dedicated team of doctors I adore.



    Hi, Thanks for the welcome.
    My wife is 43 and is part of a clinical trial using bevacizumab.
    Treatment got moved up to 12/21, so that was good. Got a port put in yesterday, so we’re hoping that helps.

    Other drugs used are gemcitabine and capecitabine.

    I will peek around some other forums.

    Best to you all.



    may I ask how old is your wife and when she got diagnosis?
    Did they (James OSU) ask you to be in one of their clinical trial involved one of the molecularly targeted agents( drug in pill form to take at home)? Is that why you have to wait for 4 weeks at least. Did your wife do any chemo prior to go to James? and If I may, can you tell me the drugs they used.Your info will help a lot of people here. Thanks in advance.
    God bless


    Dear Chris,

    I am sorry to hear of your wife’s diagnosis. I have a daughter named Lauren with this disease. She is only 25. We do live pretty close to you, though. We are in Uniontown, Ohio right near Canton. You say your wife is being treated at the James. Where is that? We take Lauren all the way to University of Michigan Medical Center for her care. It is close to 200 miles each way. In fact, we just got back today. Lauren had chemo yesterday and we stayed overnight at my other daughter’s house in Ypsilanti which is right next to Ann Arbor. This disease is very sad and scary. But I find great comfort in this website. Everyone here is so supportive and sweet. My daughter still can’t bear to read posts on this site. It upsets her too much. It used to upset me too, but I just had to get used to reading upsetting things. I still cry a lot over what I read, but I feel knowledge is power. You asked about the length of time it takes to start chemo. Lauren was diagnosed with CC on 8/29/11 and started chemo 9/12/11. If you have concerns about it taking too long to get in, question them. I have learned you cannot be shy about things, you must speak up to get things handled sometimes. I just try to do it in a nice way and usually get my way. I hope you come back and visit often. Take care and God bless.



    Sandy and Grover, welcome both of you. Sandy, I had the same feeling right at first when I was under the care of the surgeon. When they determined my inoperability, they transferred care to the oncologist. It just seems like that transition took forever to get treatment set up and started.

    I hope you find comfort and helpful voices here on this board. They are great people here.


    Welcome, Chris to our wonderful family where you will find the most courageous and caring people the world over. We do have a few members from your area who are doing quite well and I am sure they will be popping in to say hello. Not sure about the chemo set up but I know someone will bealong to answer the question. I just want to wish your wife much good luck and hope they start sooner rather than later. Please keep us posted as we all care.


    Chris, welcome to the board where nobody wants to chat. I’m relatively new here, having been diagnosed in July. I’m in the Indpls area and being treated at IU Cancer Center. They are doing a great job, and thanks to God and chemo my tumors are shrinking. I think I’m an exception to the rule, sorry to say.

    Not sure about getting chemo started. I was diagnosed on 7/8, was going to surgery for a resection, and then a PET scan showed cancer in the right lobe and surgery was cancelled. They had a port installed on 7/20/11 and chemo began on 7/22/11. Been taking chemo on Fridays only, schedule. is 2 Fridays, then 1 off.

    The people here are great, you will find Pamela from Uniontown, OH up towards Cleveland, and a couple of more from Indy.

    I certainly hope you bring an inspiring story to share



    My wife was recently diagnosed. We are in central Ohio and are being seen at the James. They seem wonderful, but the concerning thing is the seeming slowness to get the chemo started. Is it normal to wait weeks?
    Also, I am very interested in how diet and nutrition plays in. I have been trying to learn about genomic-specific nutrition plans with Dr. Aukerman.
    This forum, and site, has been a source of much information and inspiration. I plan on being around to share an inspiring story for a while and hope we can contribute to many others.

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