Recommendations for best cc centers

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    Thank you every body.
    Lisa, I’ll be giving you a call tomorrow. I live in Cincinnati, but my mother lives in Detroit. She’s currently being treated at The University of Michigan Medical Center.



    I’m going to Lake Hospital/University Hospital Seidman Cancer Center in Mentor, Oh. They have limited experience, so I am probably getting “plain vanilla” treatments. Since we are making progress on decreasing size of tumors, so I am happy.


    I would be happy to help you. Please call me anytime 330-903-6868.
    Lisa Craine


    I agree with talking to Lisa. She stays fairly “local”, and I know she loves her surgeon. As far as other centers, there are many. Traveling to them can be a chore. If you have the resources, I would suggest MD Anderson, Sloane Kettering (just not Nancy Kemeny) or one of the other “top 5”. Minnesota might not be a bad idea for you. I realize it’s pretty far, but fairly close compared to others.
    As far as trials go, even the one I am on has rules. For Phase 2 the patient must have had one line of treatment that failed. I don’t know when Phase 3 will start or what the rules are.
    Having a care team that understands cc is very important. Having an oncologist you can talk to is also very important.
    I wish you well in your search.


    Lisa Craine lives in Ohio and may be able to make a rec closer to home. There are many good CC centers and its best to simply get multiple opinions first. Keep in mind that most doctors try the existing treatments before they consider clinical trials.


    My mom, who is 70, has cc with mets. I discovered a lot of clinical trials from Mass General, etc. Can anyone recommend which center(s) I should try to get her into first? I’ve seen that The Mayo Clinic also has a good approach. But every hospital say they are the best.


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