Recovering ahead of schedule

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Recovering ahead of schedule

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    I was transferred from Scotland (where I had my surgery after going there for a wedding and ending up in a hospital) to Sweden (where I live). There was a big fiasco and things got misplaced, ignored…whatever. Anyway, three months had passed since I had surgery and the oncologist said that there was no evidence that chemo after 3 months would be of any benefit so she refused to give it to me. It is a question a grapple with today and I wonder if things would have been different if I would have had chemo.



    Kris – what do you mean you missed the window? I hope your liver levels are coming back up.

    devoncat wrote:
    I know that I missed the “window” for chemo after 3 months. I was told I needed to wait 4 to 6 weeks after my last surgery before I could start chemo this time. So from my experience, somewhere between 1 and 3 months you need to start.

    Best of luck. I am happy you are recovering so well. I love good news.



    Thanks to all for the info. I was told today that I need to have a new baseline scan done before I start chemo.

    I guess tomorrow I will call the oncologist this week and make the appts. I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to start chemo until after my vacations in June and July. Oh well, what do you do (stop whining and get to it I guess).


    I was told I had to wait 4 weeks for chemo and radiation, because both interfere with the healing of incisions.

    We’re so glad to hear you’re doing so well!!!


    I, too believe it is 1 to 3 months. I am so happy your resection and recovery have gone so well – we all love good news.

    Joyce C.


    I know that I missed the “window” for chemo after 3 months. I was told I needed to wait 4 to 6 weeks after my last surgery before I could start chemo this time. So from my experience, somewhere between 1 and 3 months you need to start.

    Best of luck. I am happy you are recovering so well. I love good news.




    Good to hear that you are recovering well. I didn’t have chemo after surgery but understand that chemo should start as soon as possible after you heal from surgery. As for baseline CT scan, 3 to 4 months after surgery is normal because it takes that length of time for any growth to be seen on the scan.

    Best of luck



    Glad to hear your good news! I don’t have any answers to your questions, but I’m happy that you are doing so well.


    I saw the surgeon last Friday for my first follow-up appointment since resection surgery. The doc is very pleased and tells me I am recovering ahead of schedule! Yay! Of course I’m still worried. Hopefully nothing is going on inside of me that shouldn’t be. Only healing is allowed!

    He wants to do a base line scan at about 4 months after surgery which will be middle to the end of June. Is this normal to wait this long?

    Also, for those who have been resected and then followed up with chemo, how long after surgery did you start chemo?

    I just want to make sure I stay on top of this and don’t wait too long. I don’t want to get behind.

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